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Beware of “lip burn” | press portal

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Beware of “lip burn” |  press portal

21.07.2023 – 11:00

hkk health insurance

Bremen (ots)

– Sunburn on the lips often underestimated

– Best protection with care sticks with light protection, umbrellas and hats

– Moisture, cooling and care help

When sunbathing, sunscreen is essential to avoid sunburn and skin cancer. However, the lips of all things are often forgotten, although they are among the most vulnerable skin regions.

According to the German Cancer Society, squamous cell carcinoma can be the result of burns to the lips. According to current estimates, this type of tumor occurs more than 50,000 times a year in Germany – and the trend is rising.

Because of their fine and light-sensitive skin, lips are particularly at risk – the fuller, the greater the risk: “Unlike other parts of the skin, the lips do not produce any melanin, which protects against the sun. That’s why they keep their natural color in summer instead of tanning,” explains hkk health expert Dr. Wolfgang Ritter. In addition, the lips have only a few sebaceous glands that provide moisture. Therefore, they dry out quickly and require additional care.

Symptoms often only appear after 24 hours

Sunburn on the lips often only becomes noticeable after 24 hours. Typical signs are redness, a feeling of warmth or tension, burning and swelling and, in severe cases, blisters.

Fluid, cooling and care help

With burned lips, it is important to drink at least two liters a day to keep the body properly hydrated. A rich lip balm with harmless ingredients provides additional moisture. “For cooling, gels from the pharmacy or home remedies such as chilled cucumber slices can be used,” says Ritter. Ice cubes or cold compresses must be wrapped in a towel so as not to further irritate the skin. The symptoms then usually subside within three to five days, even if the lips become chapped and peeling during this time.

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Effective prevention of sunburn on the lips

Lip care sticks with a sun protection factor are best for avoiding sunburn. Alternatively, normal sunscreen can also be used. However, talking, eating and drinking will shorten the protection time. Ritter: “That’s why you shouldn’t forget to apply cream regularly.” In addition, a large sun hat or a peaked cap offer effective protection due to their shade.

About hkk Krankenkasse (commercial health insurance company): With more than 910,000 insured persons (over 710,000 of them paying members), 14 branches and 2,100 service points, hkk is one of the largest statutory health insurance companies. In 2022, she recorded a growth of more than 50,000 customers. With its additional contribution of 0.98 percent, it is one of the cheapest health insurance companies in Germany. The above-average benefits include more than EUR 1,000 cost coverage per insured person and year for natural medicine, preventive care and pregnancy. The advantageous price-performance ratio is made possible by a financial strength that has grown over decades and administrative costs that are more than 25 percent below the industry average. Around 1,300 employees will look after a budget volume of around 3.7 billion euros in 2023. Health insurance accounts for around 2.9 billion euros of this. The volume of benefit expenditure is 2.7 billion euros (+ 11.5 percent).

Press contact:

hkk health insurance (commercial health insurance), Martinistr. 26, 28195 Bremen
Holm Is Tel.: 0421.3655 2075
Gabriele Nottelmann Phone: 0421.3655 1006
E-Mail: [email protected]; Internet: www.hkk.de

Original content from: hkk Krankenkasse, transmitted by news aktuell

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