Home » Security fronts are created in Cali neighborhoods due to crime

Security fronts are created in Cali neighborhoods due to crime

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Security fronts are created in Cali neighborhoods due to crime

Insecurity in Cali seems uncontrollable and is hitting the public more and more; According to statistics, this phenomenon is increasing, deepening concern among citizens.

The panorama for the capital of the Valley is very disturbing, since, in the first six months of 2023, it registers more than 13,000 reports of theft, and around 2,000 people have been captured for different crimes.

This scourge has led to the owners of public establishments such as restaurants and tobacconists having to lock up their spaces, because they have been victims of assaults.

“The bars were implemented at the entrance and the door is kept closed,” Javier Antonio Arce, a restaurant employee, told 90 Minutes.

Another dangerous scene in the city

The parks of Santiago de Cali are also targeted by criminals, becoming places full of insecurity for citizens and comfort for assailants.

Faced with this situation, in the La Hormiga park, located in Capri, commune 17 south of the capital of Valle, the inhabitants of this sector came together to create a security front.

“When certain alerts are seen, the alarm is immediately triggered and they begin to speak through a loudspeaker, telling the community to be very careful,” Jorge Eduardo Forero, a resident of the Capri neighborhood, told Noticiero 90 Minutos.

In Cali there are also other more sophisticated forms of insecurity such as the so-called ‘express kidnapping’, which by means of calls or text messages force the victims to transfer large sums of money.


“More than 13,000 complaints of theft have been registered in this period of time, in relation to 10,900 that had been registered in that same period, but in the year 2022,” added Marvin Mendoza, director of Cali Cómo Vamos.

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According to a study by this entity, the perception of insecurity increased in the city, since 1 in 2 Cali residents fear going out into the streets.

The north-south corridor of the city near fifth street, which covers communes 1, 2, 17, 19 and 22, is one of the areas most affected by insecurity.

Position of the Metropolitan Police of Cali

The Police carry out operations throughout the city with the specialized anti-theft group, which carries out tours of critical sites as a strategy to counteract this scourge of insecurity.

“So far this year we have 2,381 arrests by court order, which corresponds to the investigations that are carried out after the occurrence of the crimes,” said Colonel Jimmy Barberi, operational commander of the Cali Metropolitan Police.

recent fact

A video recorded by security cameras shows a criminal act committed in the north of the capital of the Cauca’s Valley.

Specifically in the Vipasa neighborhood, a man who ran a minimarket had to hand over his chain when a heavily armed robber threatened him strongly.

The criminal entered the establishment and immediately drew his weapon and then addressed the employee.

Then he pointed the gun at him and asked him to hand over the jewel in exchange for not killing him. “Pass me the chain, calm down, pass me the chain,” said the offender.

The employee, under the stress of having a gun on him, agreed and had the chain removed. The criminal, who was wearing a blue cap and jacket, walked away with the object while the victim held her hands up so he wouldn’t do anything to her.


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