Home » Pope Francis Blesses Young Italians for World Youth Day in Lisbon

Pope Francis Blesses Young Italians for World Youth Day in Lisbon

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Pope Francis Blesses Young Italians for World Youth Day in Lisbon

Title: Pope Francis Encourages Young Italians for World Youth Day in Lisbon

Subtitle: Italian newspaper La Forte publishes video of Pope’s blessings for the young travelers

Date: July 23, 20XX

(Vatican News Network) – Pope Francis sent his blessings and words of encouragement to young Italians who are preparing to embark on a journey to Lisbon for the World Youth Day. In a short video published by Italian newspaper “Future,” Pope Francis urged the youth to participate in the event with joy and emphasized the importance of unity and fellowship.

“Life is a journey,” said the Pope, addressing the young people who are eagerly setting off to attend the World Youth Day in Lisbon. Pope Francis took the opportunity to send his well wishes to these young friends, hoping for a safe and fulfilling journey. The video, recorded on Sunday, July 23, was published by the newspaper, founded by the Italian Bishops’ Conference.

In his message, Pope Francis emphasized the significance of young people embarking on the path of life together, rather than alienating themselves from one another. He urged them to embrace the mystery of their individual journeys while staying connected to others along the way.

“Take this path, embark on a journey: this is life, to set out on the road. Young people have this vocation to set out on the road. You must go forward bravely, always keeping your eyes on the destination you are going to. Take the mystery of the journey, always close to others, do not go alone,” the Pope urged.

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World Youth Day is a renowned event that brings together millions of young Catholics from around the world to celebrate their faith. The upcoming gathering in Lisbon is highly anticipated and marks an important occasion for young Italians to come together and strengthen their spiritual bonds.

Pope Francis’s words of encouragement serve as a reminder for the youth to embrace the challenges and joys of life’s journey, bearing in mind the importance of staying connected with others. His blessings and well wishes undoubtedly provide added inspiration and motivation for the young Italians as they embark on this significant pilgrimage.

For more information on Pope Francis’ message and World Youth Day, visit the official Vatican News website: www.vaticannews.cn.

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