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Pack your bags like a pro

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Pack your bags like a pro

The anticipation of the holiday is always huge, if only there weren’t the stressful preparations and errands. Packing the suitcase in particular is such a tedious task, which not only involves planning what to take with you, but also how to ultimately put everything in the bag. Are there any special tips and tricks you can use to pack your suitcase?

Pack your suitcase like a pro – you can learn that in just a few steps. With the right tips, you can get shirts, suits, etc. wrinkle-free and space-saving in your travel bag. And a checklist will help you ensure that you don’t forget anything important.

Make a list for the vacation!

With the right planning, half the organization is already done. Take the time to write down in advance everything you will want and need to take with you on vacation. On the day of packing, all you have to do is follow this list and you can concentrate on folding and arranging to save space. We have prepared a packing list for your vacation, which you can print out and add to if necessary. You can find them at the end of the article.

Prepare the apartment before the holiday with this checklist.

Pack your suitcase – instructions and tips for more order and space

So after you have planned so well in advance, it would of course be a shame to throw everything in the suitcase in a completely chaotic manner and thus not get everything in at the end. With the right system, everything will surely find its place and will also come out of the suitcase at the travel destination without any creases.

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Use every free space

Suitcase space can be quite limiting, so you need to get creative and use whatever is available to you. Have you thought of using your shoes as storage space? Many people like to store socks there, but more fragile things such as sunglasses or charging cables, perfume bottles, etc. can also be stored there. You can also use the spaces between the stacks of clothes, for example to store narrower items (books, slippers).

Sort the piles of clothes by category

Long pants Shorts and skirts/dresses Long-sleeved tops T-shirts and tops Underwear

This is just one example of how you might categorize your clothes. If you want to pack your suitcase properly, you have the following methods at your disposal:

There are special bags, so-called Packing Cubes, which are usually offered as a set in different sizes and are very practical for space-saving organization if you want to pack suitcases efficiently and crease-free. So you always know which clothes are where when unpacking and don’t have to rummage through the suitcase and mess everything up. The clothes are also well compressed in these bags, which is of course an advantage if you want to pack your suitcase to save space.
roll or fold? Experts praise various methods for storing clothes when travelling, but what is the more efficient way? The clearest and most space-saving variant is definitely the one with the roll-up, where you can play with the directions (roughly like in Tetris). However, you can also combine both: stack one piece and use the spaces between the stacks of clothes for rolled-up pieces.

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Pack your suitcase step by step

Has the packing day come? How do I pack a suitcase correctly for a flight or car/bus journey?

Pack toiletries and make-up in wash bags. Put shoes in separate bags or pockets (so as not to soil clothes), after stuffing them with smaller items if necessary. Arrange the shoes along the edges of the suitcase. Books are also the best places to go. Roll up the softer clothes. This includes, for example, T-shirts and, depending on the fabric, skirts and (short) pants. Leave out clothes that you will need first without even unpacking your suitcase. Spread them out neatly on the bottom of the suitcase. In between you can also clamp a few objects (e.g. books). Now take the heavier clothes. This includes, for example, jeans, sweaters and coats, which you now fold compactly. Spread these folded garments evenly over the rolls from earlier. If you’re packing loose, fragile items, now is the time. In the next step, they are again well insulated and protected. You can now also pack wash bags and make-up bags in your holiday suitcase. Alternatively, they can also be stuck between the rolls of clothes if there is nothing fragile that should be protected by clothing. Now fold all the remaining, shorter pieces of clothing and spread them out in a last or next to last layer over the rest until you have everything tucked away. Finally, there are the pieces already mentioned that you will need first.

Tip when packing shirts in suitcases: To keep the collars from losing their shape during transport, you can put them around belts. You can read here how to remove creases on vacation without an iron.

Prepare a checklist with important things for the vacation

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