Home » The road of bundling entertainment dramas with regular dramas is no longer possible.

The road of bundling entertainment dramas with regular dramas is no longer possible.

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Author: Tangshan

There is rarely a TV series that can turn the Douban comment area into a “ruthless word contest” among netizens like “Sweeping Dark Storm”.

“Feng Pants is right, some audiences just can’t” “Sweeping the Dark Storm is the first hit drama in the history of film and television, so can you stop your attacks” “I want to tell you who gave a star to this drama , Great job! “A play with its own expression”, “The show is going to be thunderous, and the reviews must resist the flow” “Don’t be embarrassed, it’s really not good”… Just look at the title, and it brings a sense of joy.

The real miracle is that under the fierce word front, “Sweeping Black Storm” can still get a high score of 8.0 on Douban, and there are as many as 97,700 participants in the score.

Both praise and bomb have a certain truth, and extremely praise and polar bomb are often not related to positions, but from technical deviations (removal of human intervention and other reasons), and “Sweeping Black Storm” is no exception.

Is “Sweeping the Dark Storm” real?

Many film critics praised “Sweeping Dark Storm” as “real” because many details and characters in the play have prototypes.

For example, in the play, the underworld leader Sun Xing (played by Wu Xiaoliang) has the shadow of Sun Xiaoguo; the prototype of the underworld leader Gao Mingyuan (played by Wang Zhifei) should be Wen Liehong. By paying bribes, the deputy director of the Hunan Provincial Public Security Bureau and the deputy director of the Changsha Municipal Public Security Bureau have become their own “protective umbrellas.” In the play, Mai Zili’s wife is buried in the wilderness, which is similar in plot to the “ground burial case” in Hunan; Green Teng The city (the city imagined in the play) “cai tyrant” bullying the city comes from the “Huang Hongfa underworld case” in Changjiang County, Hainan Province, which has been rampant for more than 30 years…

But the question is, is it true if there is a prototype? After all, “artistic reality” is not the same as “life reality”.

The criterion of “artistic truth” is not “really happened”, but whether it can meet the audience’s consensus on “real”, but there are too many debonding points in “Sweeping the Dark Storm”.

First of all, is there such an all-round company in the world that not only earns protection fees from vegetable vendors, but also opens bathing centers, sends out “beauty loans” and “routine loans”, and can still get planned land… The operating capabilities are so comprehensive, it can be called Business geniuses, why go to the “underworld”? From the cost point of view, this is a typical resource misallocation. As an artistic treatment, all kinds of evil deeds can be combined, but to achieve the extreme, it violates the basic economic rationality and makes the character unable to stand up no matter what.

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Secondly, some people set up too overhead. In the play, the sister and brother Xu Yingzi (played by Yang Yutong) and Xu Xiaoshan (played by Liu Ninghao) who were swallowed by the underworld are sympathetic, but their unreasonable stupidity makes the sister and brother love this. These excuses are a little bit unsupportable; the lines of “Black Police” Hu Xiaowei (played by Sun Hao) almost say “I’m a badass”, and the righteous and wise protagonists didn’t even hear it; investigative reporter Huang Xi (Jiang Shuying) Violating the basic procedures and methods of news investigation, he actually penetrated into the “underworld” like a spy…It’s not reliable, it’s so cliché.

Third, the suspense is not enough. The black boss Gao Mingyuan killed Mai Jia (played by Jiang Ruijia)’s parents, but adopted her as an adopted daughter, seemingly afraid that no one will report on him in the future; after the death of the underworld leader Ma Shuai (played by Ning Li), his wife Li Lijuan (played by Cha Xiao) His performance is like an idiot, but he is ambiguous with all parties and creates suspense. The complicated life experience of Sun Xing and others… In order to lure the audience to watch, every time the suspense is not enough, he adds a layer of social relationship to the characters. “Black Storm” has changed from a “sweeping black drama” into a hodgepodge of family dramas, romantic dramas, ethical dramas, and suspense dramas.

Balance is its highlight

It is understandable that the creators of “Sweeping Dark Storm” are not easy. After all, “sweeping black drama” faces many difficulties: from the narrative point of view, only the negative force is strong enough to set off the positive image and give the plot more uncertainty. Excessive description of the evil forces is out of place and lacks a realistic basis.

Any creation is danced in shackles, and the same should be true of “sweeping black dramas”. But the creators of “Sweeping the Dark Storm” seem to have forgotten: just wearing shackles is not enough, but also dancing. But in the play, the positive characters Luo Shanhe (Liu Zhibing) and He Yong (Liu Yijun) are all portrayed as single-faced people. They only have strengths but no shortcomings. Occasionally, in order to show that the enemy is too cunning, a few small negligences are added. The negligence does not come from the shortcomings of the character, it is completely accidental.

If you don’t portray the internal conflicts of the characters, what will drive the plot? Judging from the results, “Sweeping Dark Storm” seems to want to tell the audience that the reason why justice prevails over evil is that good people are always smarter than bad people. However, “sweeping crime dramas” cannot present detection methods in excessive detail to prevent them from being used by bad elements. Obviously, “Sweeping Black Storm” did not make in-depth thinking about the characteristics of “sweeping black drama” and failed to find a good solution. Therefore, Luo Shanhe and He Yong’s performances were simplified to “make serious expressions + make serious expressions”. Emoji + make a serious expression”, then make a simple decision and resolutely say “just do it”.

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“Sweeping crime dramas” have various regulations, because it is not an entertainment drama. It should assume social responsibility and help the audience realize the necessity of “sweeping gangsters and evil”, rather than showing how wise the underworld leaders are and how cool the underworld elements are. .

Only the details are circumvented, and there is a lack of fundamental assurance. Therefore, “Sweeping Dark Storm” has not broken away from the stereotype of making entertainment dramas under the name of “Sweeping Darkness”. Stimulus” wait to catch the eye. So, what it really is amazing is the superb balance skills, but the more balanced, the more authenticity of the sacrifice.

The two plays were merged into one play

It should be admitted that Li Chengyang (played by Sun Honglei) in “Sweeping Dark Storm” does have its own characteristics.

Li Chengyang was originally a front-line criminal policeman. During the investigation, he and Master offended the evil forces. As a result, Master was killed. He was also wronged as a “black policeman”. Shuai’s legal adviser became the company’s “military adviser”. However, under the guise of the “second master”, Li Chengyang has been investigating secretly to wash away the dirty water that had been spilled on Master and himself.

“Sweeping black dramas” generally adopt the framework of suspense dramas, that is, the front and back lines act separately, play games and collide with each other. However, the “sweeping black drama” cannot overly characterize the negative line, so the tension of the two lines is insufficient. Joining the slash of Li Chengyang broke the structural bottleneck.

Li Chengyang is also good and evil, and Sun Honglei’s performance is very prominent-as a positive line figure, it is understandable to show his ability and personality, but he is also in the negative line, and his initial identity is unknown. As a positive line, he most wants to break through and is the most difficult to break through. As part of this, a strong dramatic effect is formed. Sun Honglei’s interpretation accurately grasped the purpose of character design.

But the question is, if Sun Honglei becomes the focus of the whole show, is this “Sweeping Dark Storm” or “Sun Honglei Undercover”?

In fact, from the very beginning, “Sweeping Dark Storm” has two dramas rigidly tied together. The former gives positive energy and the latter gives entertainment. However, with the development of the plot, the logical difference between the two dramas is getting bigger and bigger, and it is bound to split. : After 10 episodes, Sun Honglei’s actions are getting more and more blind, and the character’s IQ is artificially lowered. A large number of meaningless sections are stepping in place, neither helping to portray the characters, nor promoting the development of the plot. It seems to be just for the role of the scene-making the positive characters look more like the protagonist.

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Many viewers complained that the rhythm of “Sweeping Dark Storm” was too slow. In fact, it was split into two dramas “Sweeping Dark Storm” and “Sun Honglei Undercover”, and the rhythm is not bad. The first two episodes of “Sweeping Dark Storm” are pleasing to the eye, reflecting the power of “Sun Honglei Undercover”.

Whoever is serious will lose

The bundling of entertainment dramas in dramas is an important trend in film and television creation in recent years. From “Eight Hundred”, “King Kong River” and “Winning the Championship” to “Sweeping Dark Storm”, they are all based on major events as the background. In terms of specific methods, entertainment is adopted.化 means. Judging from the result, it is nothing more than transforming and transplanting the genre story, imitating it into reality.

This combination enhances the possibility of multiple interpretations of themes. For example, “Eight Hundred” can be understood as both promoting patriotism and catering to the audience’s pursuit of bloody and exciting psychology. As the latter, it will make people feel numb-after one stimulation, people will pursue stronger Stimulus, if not satisfied, will produce frustration, anger, and powerless emotions, which become metabolites of the spectacle society.

How can the theme and entertainment be combined organically? No one seems to be able to give an answer, which means: it may be a fake question, and the answer has been resolved from the moment the question is asked.

The fact is that creation is never a process of combination. There is not much thematic and entertaining effective formula. Creation can only be based on real pain. But modern film and television production is impersonal, and it deliberately excludes the possibility of pain-driven. As a result, a group of the most rational people are collectively disguising their impulse to create. All they can take out are mixed drinks — take a little bit from this market-successful work, and take a little bit from that one. All kinds of “advantages” converge and become super mediocre.

Therefore, “Sweeping Dark Storm” was not created based on real feelings. Creators can graft the same story into any film and television drama. As long as there is investment, Gao Mingyuan will be rewritten as the protagonist immediately. The so-called structural rationality, character rationality, and detail authenticity are far inferior to maximizing benefits. If the story is reproduced on this principle, whoever discusses it seriously will lose.

“Sweeping Dark Storm” is worth watching, after all, under it, “Sun Honglei Undercover” is a good entertainment drama. Therefore, I am willing to give it 8.0 points. (Tangshan)

责编:崔益明 ]


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