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Resilience for the Health Ecosystem – Engineering Science Research

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Resilience for the Health Ecosystem – Engineering Science Research

EU project BioMan4R2: Four out of 26 winners from the STERN BioRegion

(Stuttgart) – 118 companies from all over Europe have applied for the BioMan4R2 project since April 2023, 26 small and medium-sized companies from the fields of biotechnology and medical technology have now been selected by an international jury, four of the winners come from the BioRegion STERN. The award winners will receive financial support under the European SMP COSME program to help improve manufacturing processes and strengthen the competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of the European healthcare ecosystem. Together with six other European partners, BioRegio STERN Management GmbH oversees the BioMan4R2 project for a period of two years.

BioRegio STERN Management GmbH is a partner in the BioMan4R2 project, which offers financial support and networking for small and medium-sized companies in the fields of biotechnology and medical technology as part of the European SMP COSME program. Together with six other partners – Turku Science Park Ltd. from Finland as project coordinator, BIOCAT from Spain, LifetecZOne from the Netherlands, GAPR from Poland, MEDICEN Paris Region from France and the Council of European Bioregions from Belgium – are intended to improve manufacturing processes as part of BioMan4R2 as well as the competitiveness, sustainability and resilience of the European Health ecosystems are strengthened. The aim is to reduce dependence on global supply chains and to increasingly shift production to Europe. To this end, BioMan4R2 promotes long-term cooperation between SMEs, investment funds, research, clinical and scientific organizations and science and technology parks.

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Since April 2023, a total of 118 companies from all over Europe have applied for the program; now the 26 winners have been selected. 16 of them will receive up to 60,000 euros in financial support for collaborative projects between SMEs and employees from different sectors with common challenges related to resilience, sustainability or digital transformation, as well as evaluation and validation of existing products. Ten other SMEs will each receive EUR 15,000 to support the expansion of skills in the areas of technology introduction, digitization and sustainable supplier business models as well as further training in topics such as digitization, internationalization, market access and regulation.

Four of the 26 award winners come from the STERN BioRegion: MIRA Vision Microscopy GmbH from Wangen near Göppingen and IntegraSkin GmbH from Tübingen each receive 60,000 euros; Zeisberg GmbH from Metzingen and EARLAB GmbH from Tübingen each received EUR 15,000.

Overview of all winners:


Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

About BioRegio STERN Management GmbH:

BioRegio STERN Management GmbH is an economic developer for the life sciences sector. It promotes innovations and start-ups on a public contract and thus contributes to strengthening the location. In the Stuttgart and Neckar-Alb regions with the cities of Tübingen and Reutlingen, it is the central point of contact for founders and entrepreneurs.

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The STERN BioRegion is one of the largest and most successful BioRegions in Germany. Unique selling points are the nationwide unique mixture of biotechnology and medical technology companies as well as the regional clusters of automation technology, mechanical and plant engineering.

company contact
BioRegio STERN Management GmbH
dr Klaus Eichenberg
Friedrichstrasse 10
70174 Stuttgart
0711-870 354 0

Press contact
Zeeb communication GmbH
Anja Paetzold
Alexanderstraße 81
70182 Stuttgart
0711 – 60 70 719

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