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A Scientific Study Reveals the Habits for a Longer and Healthier Life

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A Scientific Study Reveals the Habits for a Longer and Healthier Life

Scientific Study Reveals the Secrets to a Longer Life

In a groundbreaking study conducted in the United States, researchers have discovered several habits that can potentially add decades to our lives. While it’s not a guaranteed path to immortality, adhering to these habits can certainly contribute to a longer and healthier life.

The Study’s Findings

The study, presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, analyzed data from 719,147 participants aged 49 to 99 who were enrolled in the Veterans Affairs Million Veteran Program. The researchers found that a minimum of eight healthy lifestyle habits can significantly increase life expectancy.

Start Early to Reap the Benefits

According to the study, it is crucial to start following these habits from the age of 40 to experience their full effects. While benefits can still be obtained at later stages of life, the earlier one adopts these habits, the better.

The Eight Healthy Lifestyle Habits

The study highlights the following eight behaviors that contribute to a longer and healthier life:

  • Not smoking
  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Getting sufficient sleep
  • Managing stress levels
  • Staying physically active
  • Maintaining positive social relationships
  • Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption
  • Steering clear of opioid drugs

The study found that women who followed these habits from the age of 40, on average, lived 21 years longer than those who did not. Similarly, men in the same age group, adhering to all eight habits, could potentially live 24 years longer than their counterparts.

The Impact of Specific Habits

Among the habits analyzed, remaining physically active led to a 46% reduction in the risk of death, while non-smokers experienced a 29% decrease. Those who avoided opioid drugs saw a significant 38% lower risk of death.

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Additional habits such as managing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, moderate alcohol consumption, and quality sleep were associated with an approximately 20% decrease in the risk of death. The least significant impact was observed in positive social relationships, which resulted in only a 5% risk reduction.

While following these habits doesn’t guarantee a longer life, the study emphasizes the significance of incorporating healthy behaviors into our lives to maximize our chances of longevity. It’s never too late to start living a healthier lifestyle and improve the quality and length of our lives.

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