Home » The Hidden Sugar in Fresh Fruit: What You Should Know on a Diet

The Hidden Sugar in Fresh Fruit: What You Should Know on a Diet

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The Hidden Sugar in Fresh Fruit: What You Should Know on a Diet

diet. Not sure what’s best to eat on a diet? Don’t worry, let’s find out together how much sugar is hidden in fresh fruit!

Fresh, colorful and sweet, resisting fruit, especially in summer, is almost impossible for a number of reasons. The first concerns the lack of appetite. In fact, with the heat, we are always looking for regenerating dishes that do not weigh us down more than necessary, which is why falling back on fruit becomes an almost automatic choice. Not only does it keep us light at the right point, but the summer fruit is also very rich in water and then perfect for replenishing all the vitamins and mineral salts lost during the day.

Did you know that not all fruit has the same amount of sugar? In other words, it’s an instant energy boost not to underestimate. Then, there is also a much more practical reason. Although there is no shortage of ideas for delicious dishes in the summer, it is said that one does not have the desire to cook, especially at lunch. And with this in mind, there’s nothing better than a nice fruit salad or a colorful fruit salad to eat well and feel better.

Finally, but let’s also say this is a purely subjective aspect that can still be reflected in you who are reading and not only, summer fruit is magnetic. In short, despite the sultry days and the desire to live underfoot 23 hours a day, summer fruit somehow resets (almost) everything. Whether they are strawberries, peaches, apricots, cherries, kiwis or even watermelon or yellow melon, the result will always be delicious and irresistible.

When you start a diet, however, you are afraid of everything and it doesn’t take anything to turn food from friend to sworn enemy. The fear of failing and not being able to trust mainly ourselves is always around the corner. And so at the beginning, with almost obsessive attention at times, attention is also paid to the tiniest extra gram that could invalidate an entire journey. But is it really so? What fresh fruit to consume if you are on a diet? Let’s do some clarity together to eat well!

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Let’s start from a small fundamental premise: more than the calories lost, the extremely accurate weight of the ingredients or even the spasmodic attention to the quantity of macronutrients consumed, it is constancy that determines the “success” of a similar path that is long and winding. In other words, lightning weight loss, those who promise to lose even three sizes in a very short time, are only highly harmful both for our body and for our mood. In a healthy, balanced, and balanced diet, fruit cannot be missing!

You can fall, make a mistake more than necessary if you’re particularly sad or happy or simply because you feel like it (and there’s nothing wrong with that) and think about screwing up your diet several times a day. The important thing, however, is then to find one’s own center capable with its gravitational field of never letting us forget why we have chosen to follow a healthy and slightly low-calorie diet. In short, in the regularity, in spite of everything, there is a granite strength that can make us overcome any obstacle.

That said, it’s normal though having to pay close attention to what you eat in the long run. And from this point of view, it is important to know how to recognize the role of fruit in a similar path. Fresh fruit yes, but which one? It all depends on the amount of sugar!

Generally speaking, they should be consumed well five servings of fruit and vegetables a day. Obviously, according to personal needs, the data can vary. However, keeping faith with the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization, it is good never to go below 400 grams of daily fruit and vegetables. We are talking, in fact, of the fundamental quantity for the correct functioning of our body.

Specifically, few know that fruit contains what are defined carbohydrates “simple” and which contrast precisely with the more refined ones, which are nothing else, if not the final product of the massive processing of the food industry. In other words, if it is good to limit the consumption of snacks, potato chips, biscuits, and fizzy drinks, it is equally true that foods containing simple carbohydrates are important in any diet. And fruit just so happens to have plenty of it.

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In fact, by breaking down fruit and vegetables into simpler sugars, i.e. glucose, sucrose, and fructose, our body is guaranteed the right amount of energy taken precisely from these sugars which perform a function similar to fuel for cars. Therefore, if we eat few fruits and vegetables, we are limiting glucose reserves by providing our bodies with less energy than is needed to fuel our cells. And so carrying out all the daily activities, even the most trivial ones, becomes much more tiring and demanding.

And in short, in addition to being beautiful, good, juicy, and colorful, above all, we have seen how fruit is a natural source of sweetness as well as a mine of valuable nutrients that are only good for our body and everything is due to the much mistreated sugars sometimes considered even “enemies” of the diet. However, as in all things, knowing how to choose makes the difference, but also having the right food awareness. Not all fruit, indeed, contains the same amount of sugars, which is why those suffering from high blood sugar must carefully avoid sugary fruit such as ripe bananas and watermelon, preferring instead fruit with a low glycemic index, and these include: strawberries, mandarin oranges, oranges, apricots, and white grapes.

Now, let’s try to understand which fresh fruit has a higher sugar content. However, before going into detail, it is important to remember that it is certainly not a fruit to be demonized in its entirety because it is also rich in essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that keep us strong, healthy, and even more “young”. But not only.

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The banana is one of the fruits that contains the most sugars. Regardless of the amount of sugar fruit offers us, among other things, a vast range of nutrients that allow us to have the immunity always high in order to better protect ourselves from diseases. Now all we have to do is discover the sugariest fruit together!

Mandarins: with 72 kcal per fruit, they contain 17.6 sugars per 100 grams.
Litchi: with 70 kcal per fruit, they contain 17.2 sugars per 100 grams.
Feet: with 65 kcal per fruit, they contain 16 sugars per 100 grams.
Uva: with 61 kcal per fruit, it contains 15.6 sugars per 100 grams.
Banana: with 65 kcal per fruit, they contain 15.5 sugars per 100 grams.
Bodies: with 53 kcal per fruit, they contain 13.7 sugars per 100 grams.
Prickly pears: with 53 kcal per fruit, they contain 13 sugars per 100 grams.
Mango: with 53 kcal per fruit, it contains 12.6 sugars per 100 grams.

And in short, now that you know which fruit contains the most sugars, you can consciously choose which fruit to eat – and in what quantity – during the day. Unless, however, there are major health problems or pathologies strictly related to the diet, do not experience the fruit you choose for a snack or a snack on the go as a worry. In fact, fresh fruit – whatever it is – is your friend and it can only bring tremendous benefits to your body!

Creamy and light homemade ice lollies with fresh fruit: and the diet takes on a completely different flavor! However, if you don’t have a very good relationship with fruit and you are a person with a very greedy nature and who when he can goes to the pantry to nibble between a biscuit and a square of chocolate, we have the fresh, delicious, and super sugary solution for you: homemade popsicles with fresh fruit. Let’s prepare fruit popsicles for an amazing snack!

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