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The Secret to a Longer Life: 8 Habits That Can Extend Your Life by 20 Years

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The Secret to a Longer Life: 8 Habits That Can Extend Your Life by 20 Years

The secret of longevity lies in 8 habits that can extend your life by 20 years. Letā€™s find out together what they are.

During the meeting organized by the American Society for Nutrition, in Boston, it emerged that there are 8 habits that allow you to extend your life by 20 years. This is undoubtedly particularly interesting news on the subject of longevity.

The secret of longevity is enclosed in 8 habits ā€“ TheWiseMagazine.it

In this article, we will go into detail point by point all those habits that over time seem to be potentially able to make you live longer. What we are about to provide you with is particularly interesting information that is worth knowing in detail to improve your psycho-physical well-being.

Longevity, the 8 habits that lengthen life

The first habit is to practice physical activity which seems to be able to reduce the 46% risk of death than those who do not. According to what experts reveal, it is sufficient to carry out some daily activities to keep fit, such as choosing the stairs instead of the elevator or walking rather than taking the car. In any case, it is important to avoid adopting a sedentary lifestyle.

The secret of longevity also lies in avoiding smoking. Smoking is the enemy of health and involves a significant increase in the risk of death. Avoiding smoking helps reduce the risk of death by 29% compared to non-smokers. It is equally important to not take drugs and especially opioids.

The latter are a class of drugs that if taken excessively can cause habituation and dependence. In particular, avoiding opioid addiction reduces the risk of death by 38% compared to those who take them. This also applies to alcohol consumption which should be avoided as much as possible. In this case, it is recommended not to drink more than 4 alcoholic drinks a day: in this way, the risk is reduced by 19%.

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It is also important to successfully manage stress, which is one of the most common causes of early deaths. Through effective control of situations that cause stress and anxiety, it can reduce the risk of death by more than 20%. Then watch out for nutrition: experts advise to follow a plant-based diet. It emerged that reducing the consumption of red and processed meat in favor of a greater consumption of fruits and vegetables reduces the risk of mortality by 21%.

Not to be underestimated then is the sleep quality which assumes a fundamental role for anyone who wants to live a long time. In particular, experts advise to sleep at least 7 hours a night since this reduces the risk of early death by 18%. Finally, the secret of longevity also lies in social relations. Surrounding yourself with positive relationships is extremely beneficial to your health.

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