Home » ELN orders cessation of actions against public forces

ELN orders cessation of actions against public forces

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ELN orders cessation of actions against public forces

All the protocols are available for it to start the ceasefire between the Military Forces and the ELNthus it was confirmed by part of that guerrilla after the maximum ELN Commander Antonio García, so expressed through a statement.

In a video, the guerrilla leader gives the instruction to suspend all kinds of offensive attacks against the public forces, this is done to start the bilateral ceasefire that has been agreed with the National Government.

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“The Central Command of the National Liberation Army orders all its structures to suspend offensive operations against the Armed Forces, the Police and the security agencies of the Colombian State,” García announced.

This statement issued by the Central Command of the ELN is expected to be comply for 180 daysas agreed to begin in the month of August, in this way, the next cycle of peace talks that are held with that illegal armed group is also being considered.

“We call on all the commanders and combatants of the National Liberation Army (ELN) to rigorously comply with this agreed Ceasefire, in addition to keeping the entire defense system in place to protect and preserve the security and integrity of the force, as well as their territories,” said the ELN leader.

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