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Fatalities and Disruptions: Beijing Hit by Torrential Rain, 11 Dead Including 2 on Duty

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Beijing has been hit by heavy rainfall, resulting in the death of 11 people, including 2 individuals who were on duty for rescue and disaster relief efforts. The rainfall was caused by the typhoon “Dusuri” and started on July 29, with the west, southwest, and south areas of Beijing being particularly affected by severe rainstorms.

According to the Municipal Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, as of 6:00 am on August 1, the heavy rainfall has caused the death of 11 people. In addition, 27 people have also lost contact, with 4 individuals losing contact while participating in rescue and disaster relief operations.

The torrential rain has resulted in severe flooding and infrastructure damage in various parts of the city. The Beijing government and rescue teams have been working tirelessly to respond to the emergency and provide assistance to those affected.

The local authorities have issued warnings to residents to exercise caution and take necessary precautions during the rainy season. They have urged individuals to stay indoors if possible and avoid going near flooded areas or venturing into risky situations.

The Beijing Municipal Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, along with other relevant government departments, are continuing their efforts to minimize the impact of the heavy rainfall and ensure the safety of the affected residents. They are also working towards restoring damaged infrastructure and providing necessary aid to those in need.

The situation remains critical as the heavy rainfall persists. The government is closely monitoring the situation and taking necessary measures to address the ongoing emergency. Residents are advised to stay updated with the latest weather reports and follow the instructions and guidance provided by local authorities.

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As the city faces these challenging circumstances, the unity and resilience of the Beijing community will be crucial in overcoming the aftermath of this devastating natural disaster. The thoughts and prayers of the nation are with the families and friends of the victims, and swift action is required to prevent further loss of life and mitigate the impact of the heavy rainfall on the city and its residents.

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