Home » With the help of ChatGPT: woman earns 611 euros a month on the side

With the help of ChatGPT: woman earns 611 euros a month on the side

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With the help of ChatGPT: woman earns 611 euros a month on the side

Der OpenAI-Chef Sam Altman.

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One worker says she uses artificial intelligence (AI) to secure a part-time job worth $670 a month.

Nicole Cueto told CNBC that since she started using ChatGPT instead of searching, the time she spends researching has halved.

Cueto says she’s been making extra money since January by scheduling other people’s vacations as a service.

This is a machine translation of an article by our US colleagues at Insider. It was automatically translated and checked by a real editor. We welcome feedback at the end of the article.

One worker reports that she uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT to run a part-time job worth $670 a month — and that it has dramatically increased her productivity.

Nicole Cueto, a public relations consultant from New York, told in an interview with the US news agency CNBCthat she has been making extra money planning trips since January. She told the news outlet that using ChatGPT instead of traditional search engines like Google and Bing has cut her research time in half and speeded up her planning process.

Unlike traditional search engines, AI-powered tools can respond to queries with personalized and detailed responses instead of just displaying a list of relevant links. Both Microsoft and Google have taken steps to integrate this conversational technology into their search engines.

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Cueto explained to CNBC that she encourages the chatbot to create personalized journeys for each customer. For example, she asks the bot things like, “Give me a budget travel guide to Paris that includes historic neighborhoods where politicians lived in the 1880s.”

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Cueto said in an interview with the news outlet that the chatbot’s instructions are not perfect and she is doing further research and fact-checking the chatbot herself. The part-time job totals 10 to 20 hours a week and earns her an average of $670 a month, according to documents cited and verified by CNBC.

Freelancers have relied on new generative AI tools to boost their productivity or find a part-time job. A freelance product marketer who uses the chatbot to brainstorm ideas and write blogs and emails told Insider ChatGPT has been a “game-changer” for saving time.

Employees also use tools such as ChatGPT or the image generator Midjourney to create content on the side. A product design manager used ChatGPT and Midjourney to write and illustrate a children’s book in 72 hours.

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