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Children and heat, 5 tips to protect them from extreme temperatures

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Children and heat, 5 tips to protect them from extreme temperatures

Children and heat, it’s not such a winning combination. It is good to protect the little ones from the effects that can be generated due to extreme temperatures, not only when going to the beach.

Summer is the season that many love for the hotter temperatures and longer days, but it’s good to know that for children the heat can be particularly insidious, especially when the humidity is strong and the heat becomes oppressive. After all, it is a situation that can prove annoying for many adults, including those who do not have particular health problems, for this reason it is good to be careful with the little ones, who are more vulnerable.

Among the most important risks that can be encountered is dehydration (it is important to drink), as well as an increase in body temperature, up to consequences that should not be underestimated for the cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological systems. So what to do to protect them and preserve their health?

Children and heat: caution is never too much

On the news we have certainly heard on several occasions how fundamental it is avoid going out during the hottest hours of the day to avoid running the risk of sunstroke or pressure drops. A principle like this can only be also valid for children, so the heat can be really harmful. It is precisely for this reason that if you decide to take them to the beach you should avoid leaving them in the sun for a long time, a principle which is not, however, so obvious for everyone.

What to do to prevent children from feeling too hot (tantasalute.it)

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The temperatures too high they can lead, even more so in will ageto nuisances that should not be underestimated such as general weakness, difficulty concentrating and headache. Not only that, the younger the children, the greater the risk of dehydration. They are also many, above all because they have particularly delicate skin, to develop skin irritations or fungal infections, which can emerge even if the sun’s rays do not directly hit the body. The areas most at risk are the armpits, bikini line, neck and diaper areas.

An important role as a defense tool is played by clothes. It is good completely eliminate synthetic fabrics and favor cotton or linenwhich act as a filter, as well as facilitating perspiration.

In terms of health, even more so when it comes to children and hot weather, it is ideal to move with careful activity prevention, before the damage can be visible and create pain. There are a few precautions to follow, which however can be providential and which it is good to know, here are the most important:

We tend to think that theBeach umbrella be a filter effective against the strongest rays of the sun and the heat, but it is a wrong idea. Even in that position it’s good so never forget to apply sunscreen, preferably with a high level of protection. Under six months should never be exposed directly under the sun.Meals should be light, if possible based on fruit and vegetables, also trying to check where they are stored before use (never at too high temperatures). If you are outdoors, but also on the beach or by the pool, children should never be exposed to the sun during the hottest hours (from 11 to 18). However, it is advisable to always apply protection to the skin, in addition to protecting the head with a hat. If the heat is excessive, it is possible to wet it with water every couple of hours. What to avoid in the summer to protect children from the heat (tantasalute.it)Drinking remains essential for everyoneespecially for children, but they should never be given excessively cold drinks. Never underestimate symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, confusion, fever, vomiting and muscle weakness, typical of heat stroke. If they should occur, it is advisable to call for medical assistance as soon as possible.

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Another important rule also applies: those with children with heart, circulatory, respiratory or lung diseases (such as asthma) should never take them to parks or green areas in large urban centres, during the hottest hours of the day.

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