Home » Colombian Foreign Minister Affirms: “I Always Knew Iván Márquez Was Alive”

Colombian Foreign Minister Affirms: “I Always Knew Iván Márquez Was Alive”

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Colombian Foreign Minister, Claudia Blum, expressed on Tuesday that she had always suspected that former FARC guerrilla leader, Iván Márquez, was still alive. This statement comes after an audio recording began circulating, casting doubt on previous reports of Márquez’s demise.

In response to the audio, Blum stated, “I always knew he was alive,” hinting at the skepticism surrounding the original reports. Márquez, once a high-ranking member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), had previously declared his separation from the historic 2016 peace agreement. His reappearance is expected to reignite discussions and raise questions about the progress made since the peace deal was signed.

The audio recording, which has been widely shared among local media outlets, challenges the narrative of Márquez’s death. In it, the FARC dissident leader can be heard expressing his desire to contribute to “total peace” in the country. This development has taken many by surprise and further complicates the already delicate peace process.

The implications of Márquez’s return are uncertain. While some see it as an opportunity to reassess and strengthen the peace agreement, others worry that it may reignite conflict and endanger the progress that has been made so far. The Colombian people, who have long yearned for lasting peace, await further developments with anticipation and concern.

International news outlets such as El País, Clarín, and DW (Spanish) have also reported on Márquez’s reappearance. This coverage highlights the global significance of this unexpected turn of events and underscores the impact it may have on Colombia’s future.

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As the news continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how the Colombian government will respond to Márquez’s reappearance and what steps will be taken to ensure the continued pursuit of peace for the nation. The eyes of the international community will be closely watching, as Colombia’s journey to lasting peace takes another unexpected turn.

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