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Margot Robbie completed this workout

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Margot Robbie completed this workout

Margot Robbie: The Barbie actress likes surfing and playing hockey – and she loves Pilates Photo: dpa

You don’t even have to go to the cinema to ask yourself: Why is Barbie always super fit? A look at leading actress Margot Robbie’s workout reveals it.

Barbie flies through the air, she doesn’t even have to open the door to get in the car. And don’t strain your leg muscles to press the gas pedal either. She doesn’t have to pedal her bike or climb stairs, because children’s hands carry her to the top floor of her dream house.

While other muscles should already have atrophied, Barbie is super fit. How does she do it? Since we can’t really ask Barbie, all we can do is look at Margot Robbie, who plays her in Greta Gerwig’s film. The bad news: As you’d expect, Barbie needs training as a human. Initial research shows: Robbie is not a fan of jogging, likes surfing and playing hockey – and she loves Pilates. She uses a reformer, a special training device.

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