Home » If you pull in your stomach for photos, you get neck pain

If you pull in your stomach for photos, you get neck pain

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If you pull in your stomach for photos, you get neck pain

The first photo on the beach, the photo together with the unfairly slim best friend, who also supposedly never diets… The perfect profile photo for your own fitness channel. Almost everyone has sucked in their stomach for a photo.

Medical professor Robert Glatter has now explained to the “New York Post” why you shouldn’t do that.

The diaphragm suffers

“One of the most important medical consequences of this behavior is the reduction in the ability to breathe effectively. Because of the damaging effect on the diaphragm,” says Glatter. A pulled-in abdomen also exerts “a downward force on the pelvic floor muscles.”

In the long term, sucking in the abdomen therefore leads to ineffective, shallow breathing, neck, shoulder and back pain. The posture generally suffers from the wrong tension.

Healthy breathing goes into the abdomen

The New York Post reports that everyone can easily check for themselves whether they are breathing healthily. If your lower abdomen bulges slightly when you take a deep breath, you are breathing correctly. This allows enough air to get into the lungs and oxygen into the circulatory system. The voice also sounds different, fuller.

On the other hand, when you panic or get stressed, you often start breathing “from your chest”. The voice would then appear to come out of the throat and the stomach would be drawn in – with all the negative health consequences already mentioned.

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