Home » Chrysanthemum Harvest in Kainan Street: A Booming Season for Picking and Baking

Chrysanthemum Harvest in Kainan Street: A Booming Season for Picking and Baking

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Kainan Street, located in an agricultural region, has witnessed the entrance of hundred acres of edible chrysanthemums into the picking and baking period. This year, more than 400 acres of chrysanthemums have been cultivated in Kainan Street, and with the arrival of July, these beautiful flowers have started to be harvested.

In the Dalaixia Residential Group, villagers are actively engaged in picking chrysanthemums. He Yinxiu, a resident of the community, emphasized the importance of picking only the bloomed buds while leaving the unopened ones. Over 20 villagers in the Dalaixia resident group are seen toiling in the fields, carrying their baskets filled with picked chrysanthemums to the collection point on the roadside. From there, miniature vehicles transport the flowers to the baking house.

At the baking house, Zeng Dequan, the person in charge of Lijiang Pingmajin Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd., explained that after three days of baking, the color of the chrysanthemums becomes vibrant and white. The chrysanthemums cultivated in Kainan Street this year include July chrysanthemum, Tao chrysanthemum, and golden chrysanthemum, with an estimated yield of 6,500 yuan per mu. The July chrysanthemum has already been picked, while the other two varieties are expected to be ready for picking in October.

The cultivation of chrysanthemums in Kainan Street follows a unique development model that involves the collaboration of various stakeholders. The planting process is facilitated by a combination of the “party branch + cooperative + company + farmer” model. Enterprises provide technical guidance and seedling reservations, cooperatives offer planting plots and mobilize farmers’ participation, and guaranteed minimum recovery agreements are signed between cooperatives and enterprises. This model not only supports large-scale planting but also encourages individual farmers to cultivate chrysanthemums on their own land for additional benefits.

Li Jie, a publicity member of Kainan Street, highlighted the economic and landscape benefits of chrysanthemum planting. He mentioned that it aligns perfectly with the future development plans of the Four Seasons Blooming Scenic Area. In addition to the economic opportunities created by investing in land and developing the courtyard economy, villagers also have the chance to earn labor income during the picking period. The cooperative ensures that villagers are hired to participate in the picking process, providing them with additional financial gains.

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The cultivation and harvesting of chrysanthemums in Kainan Street not only contribute to the economic growth of the community but also add beauty to the local landscape. As the picking season continues and the baking process enhances the freshness of the flowers, residents and visitors alike can enjoy the vibrant colors of these delightful chrysanthemums.

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