Home » Forest fires in Popayán and neighboring towns do not give truce – news

Forest fires in Popayán and neighboring towns do not give truce – news

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Forest fires in Popayán and neighboring towns do not give truce – news

Yesterday, August 8, firefighters attended 19 conflagrations and controlled 10 at the same time.

During these summer days in several places in Popayán, as well as in neighboring towns such as Coconuco, there have been numerous fires and forest burnings. In the village of Los Cerrillos, a large fire occurred, to which 20 firefighter units attended, with the support of the Scout team, they arrived at the site of the conflagration, caused, apparently, by power lines that had been presenting faults. Crops and structures for agricultural use were affected.

According to the commander of the Popayán Volunteer Fire Department, Lieutenant Francisco Arboleda Hartman, in the first 8 days of August there have been 73 vegetation cover fires, of which 25 are of great magnitude, added to the 109 that have occurred so far. of 2023, a situation that worries that institution, which is not enough to put out the flames.

Meanwhile, today the Fire Department reported three emergencies in the villages of Julumito, Calibío and Molanga. In the latter, the fire occurred for the third time in the same place.

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