Home » What the Ecuadorian leadership said after the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio, presidential candidate

What the Ecuadorian leadership said after the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio, presidential candidate

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What the Ecuadorian leadership said after the assassination of Fernando Villavicencio, presidential candidate

The shooting murder of the presidential candidate of Ecuador, Fernando Villavicenciocaused a deep impact this Wednesday in the South American country, who must vote next August 20 according to the scheduled schedule.

After the news was made public, the main Ecuadorian leaders They came out to express their repudiation and consternation for the crime of the candidate for president, representative of the opposition to correísmo.

Our deepest condolences and deep solidarity with the loved ones of Fernando Villavicencieither. May God keep him in his glory ”, the also presidential candidate and former vice Otto published immediately Sonnenholznerone of the first to confirm the death of Villavicencio.

Yaku Perez, another aspirant to the Executive, also expressed himself in his networks and stated that he was dismayed by «the tragic and condemnable murder of Fernando Villavicencio«.

Outraged and shocked by the murder of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio. My solidarity and my condolences with his wife and his daughters. For his memory and for his fight, I assure you that this crime will not go unpunished,” the current president wrote for his part. Guillermo Lassoon his Twitter account.

In addition, the president announced that the Security Cabinet will meet “in a few minutes” to discuss what happened and confirmed that he asked “the president of the CNE, Diana Atamaint; the State Attorney General, Diana Salazar; the President of the National Court of Justice, Iván Saquicela; and to the other State authorities that urgently attend this meeting to discuss this fact that has dismayed the country”.

The shooting murder of Fernando Villavicencio, Ecuador’s presidential candidate

The shooting attack was perpetrated this Wednesday, when Villavicencio was leaving a party rally in Quito, the country’s capital. At the time of getting into the car with his guards, the leader received, at least, a shot by a shooter who has not yet been identified and of which it was only known that it was «of short stature«.

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Immediately, the candidate was transferred to a clinic near the sector, where his death was confirmed, which was announced by the Minister of the Interior, Juan Zapata, minutes later.

In addition, according to the first reports, there were other injuries during the attack on Villavicencio, although the seriousness was not detailed.

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