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Extra profits, banks trick to not pay and revolt of foreign funds

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Extra profits, banks trick to not pay and revolt of foreign funds

Extra profits, the ABI says it is “surprised” but Patuelli keeps a low profile. Here because

The tax on extra profits from the banks it has created a storm, the lenders are on a war footing and foreign funds are making their voices heard criticizing the government openly. L’Abi she said she was “surprised” and wait for changes to the norm and to make matters worse in the bag have been 9 billion burned in just one day after the decision of the executive. The banks are now – reads the Fatto Quotidiano – are studying the possible countermoves. Tick ​​the crazy idea to dodge the extra profit levy: raise interest on depositors (as happens in the rest of Europe). The reason why Italian banks closed 2022, and above all they will close 2023, with balance record is that they passed on to their depositors a very meager share of the benefits they got from the European Central Bank’s fast and steep rate hike.

Second calculations by S&P analysts just 10%, compared to a double euro average, 20% in Germany or 35% in France. So the balance sheet item called interest margin (the one on which the tax on extra profits would apply) is climbed very significantlyoften of over 20%. The interest margin – continues Il Fatto – represents the difference between what a bank collects with the interest it charges on its loans and what it pays who lends her money (the depositors). Banks could then decide to raise interest to those who deposit money e override the norm.

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The Abi is waiting for the moment, the Italian banking association which met its presidential committee on Thursday to discuss the measure launched by the government. All the banks, which said they were “very united”, they expressed “surprise” at the fee. However, the president Antonio Patuelli agreed with the lenders on an attitude of “caution, firmness, seriousness and sense of responsibility, in order not to “rush things”. Therefore, a low profile is better waiting for the next moves of the executive and also for any corrections during the parliamentary discussion.

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