Home » Stroke, heart attack, serious trauma or street births… the day to day of SUMMA 112 in Madrid

Stroke, heart attack, serious trauma or street births… the day to day of SUMMA 112 in Madrid

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Stroke, heart attack, serious trauma or street births… the day to day of SUMMA 112 in Madrid


12/08/2023 a las 09:01


From January to July of this year, the service has responded to a total of 698,922 calls (3,297 on average per day, one every 26 seconds), which represents a 16% decrease compared to the same period in 2022.

The Department of Health of the Community of Madrid has taken stock of the Assistance from the Medical Emergency Service (SUM112) from January to July of this year. It has responded to a total of 698,922 calls (3,297 on average per day, one every 26 seconds), which means a decrease of 16% compared to the same period of 2022. A period in which have completed more than 1,400 alerts for stroke code; almost 760 for heart attack code, and more than 400 for severe trauma. Health highlights the more than 300 recovered cardiorespiratory arrests and the 18 extra-hospital births assisted at home or in the mobile ICUs themselves.

With the information of the Department headed by Fátima Matute, this activity has led to the mobilization -always by criteria of proximity and seriousness- of 324,005 mobile resources to deal with these situations, almost 1,600 a day, one every 57 seconds, and approximately 50% of the communications received. In the rest of the cases, the doctors and nurses of the Coordinating Center of SUMMA 112 -which has more than 2,000 specialized professionals- advised citizens over the phone emergencies and health emergencies.

29 UVI Mobile

the same information points out that the 29 mobile UVI (Advanced Life Support for life-threatening situations) that are active daily and staffed with a doctor, a nurse and two emergency health technicians, have been used in 49,170 occasions, 232 times a day, compared to the 56,173 registered between January and July 2022.

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For his part, the 16 SUMMA112 Rapid Intervention Vehicles -also Advanced Life Support, but without transfer capacity and with greater versatility and speed, it is reviewed- have been used on 15,559 occasions, compared to the 17,913 recorded in the same months last year.

Helicopters have been needed 644 times, 11% less than between January and July 2022

As for the helicopters Emergencies -which have equipment similar to that of a hospital ICU post and with the possibility of reaching any point in the region in less than 15 minutes, even in places that are difficult to access for land vehicles-, they have been necessary 644 times, 11% less than between January and July 2022. 188,014 assistances carried out by ambulances have also been computed Basic Life Support (184,837 in 2022) and 68,171 in Home Care Units (67,269 in 2022).

hospital alerts

From the Nursing Coordination of the SUMMA 112 Coordination Center Alerts are made to organize the arrival of the patient, if necessary, to the most appropriate suitable hospital for each care for that patient, says the Ministry. this is essential in those called time-dependenthe emphasizes, in which the speed in the provision of assistance is crucial for the user’s prognosis. In this sense, in the period analysed, more than 1,400 alerts for stroke code have been issued; almost 760 for heart attack code, and more than 400 due to severe trauma.

Especially outstanding, underlines the Community, are the more than 300 recovered cardiorespiratory arrests and the 18 assisted out-of-hospital deliveries by professionals at home or in the mobile ICUs themselves. Also noteworthy, after the coronavirus pandemic, is the recovery of activity related to Zero codes for organ transplantationwith the transfer of a total of 12 donors in uncontrolled asystole to the 12 de Octubre hospital in the capital.

Assistance of SUMMA 112 of Madrid. | MADRID’S COMMUNITY

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The Community of Madrid Medical Emergency Service also coordinates and manages scheduled medical transport of patients who need to receive treatments such as chemotherapy, dialysis, attendance at medical consultations, complementary tests or return after hospitalization and are unable to do so on their own. In this sense, the number of transfers of this type carried out between January and July 2023 amounts to 575,227, compared to 504,386 in the same period of 2022.

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