Home » Minimum wage, the oppositions challenge the government: collection of signatures at Pd parties

Minimum wage, the oppositions challenge the government: collection of signatures at Pd parties

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Minimum wage, the oppositions challenge the government: collection of signatures at Pd parties

After the confrontation with Giorgia Meloni and while waiting for the government to materialize a counter-proposal to “give hope to the almost 4 million workers who are waiting for it”, the opposition parties challenge the Executive by closing ranks in defense of the project a law that aims to set the minimum wage at 9 euros an hour: the text they signed (with the exception of IV) and whose examination in the Chamber was suspended at the beginning of August at the request of the majority. The Dems announce the setting up of banquets to collect signatures in favor of the pdl in all the celebrations of Unity, which are over 100 in Emilia Romagna alone. With the hope for the moment whispered of being able to reach one million. While the idea of ​​the M5S is to take action both online and through the more than 150 local groups, aware that the game will not end in August, but will have to be played resolutely between now and the next few months.

The co-spokesman of the Green Alliance Angelo Bonelli also invites “everyone to mobilize”, proposing to set up banquets in the cities, at party parties and even on the beaches. While Riccardo Magi of +Europa underlines how for such a delicate and fundamental issue the “highway” remains that of Parliament in any case. A position similar to that of the founder of Italia Viva Matteo Renzi who, after deserting the meeting at Palazzo Chigi, entrusts Instagram with his disappointment at the involvement of Cnel (which he continues to define as a “useless entity that must be abolished”) and he launches an appeal to bring the debate on the minimum wage back into the parliamentary halls which, according to him, could be reopened “very well even in August”.

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Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also maintains the point who, in a letter to ‘Il Corriere della Sera’, claims the choice to involve the Cnel and assures that she wants to work on a “unitary proposal” to be put in place already with the Budget law. The issue of a fair wage for Italians is also very close to the government’s heart, you observe, while indicating other ways to address it such as the country’s economic growth and the strengthening of collective bargaining.

The leader of Action, Carlo Calenda, reiterates that he is satisfied with how things have gone, because moments of confrontation like this “are important”, and explains that he is confident in the government’s reassurances. Reassurances that for now come from FdI with the group leader in the Chamber Tommaso Foti who underlines how the postponement of the examination of the pdl to Montecitorio was important (given that the summit at Palazzo Chigi otherwise would not have taken place) and that to arrive at a « single solution» takes time.

A distinction is recorded in the position of the vice president of the Senate, Maurizio Gasparri (FI), who proposes “the reduction of taxes on overtime, thirteenth month payments and the continuation of the policy of cutting the tax wedge” to “increase the purchasing power of workers and families ». Meanwhile, the Usb (Basic Trade Union Union) buys a page from a newspaper to put forward a counter-proposal: raise the minimum wage to 10 euros an hour. Confcommercio applauds the involvement of Cnel and the idea of ​​strengthening a collective bargaining to be enforced erga omnes that is “really representative”. A solution against wages that are too low is also proposed by Italian Radicals who launch a collection of signatures to bring to Parliament a pdl for the minimum integration income which also includes a personalized inclusion project, aimed at overcoming poverty, job reintegration and social inclusion, as well as a dowry of between 300 and 800 euros for the non self-sufficient.

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