Home » Restaurant tricks that make us eat more | Magazine

Restaurant tricks that make us eat more | Magazine

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Restaurant tricks that make us eat more |  Magazine

Here are the tricks restaurants use to entice us to eat more…

Izvor: Shutterstock/HAKINMHAN

It’s about lighting, no less and no more. There are good reasons why luxury restaurants almost uniformly use dim lighting, and it stands to reason that this darkness, repeated in movie theaters, encourages us to eat more.

“When we lower the lighting, we’re more relaxed, which usually increases overall satisfaction and the overall experience,” he says. We’re probably going to consume a little bit more because we’re not paying attention and we don’t care,” says Sarah Lefebvre, a professor of marketing at Murray State University.

Source: MONDO/Stefan Stojanović

Dimmed light not only encourages us to eat more – it also influences what we choose to eat. It has been found that low lighting in restaurants makes people they lower the criterion of a healthy diet and replace salad with fries or fail to resist dessert.

Light even affects the taste of food or which flavors we are most likely to reach for. Professor Lefebvre has studied what she calls “sensory compensation”, or the idea that depriving one sense can enhance another. In a 2022 study, she found that in a dark room, foods with only one flavor dimension, such as sweet or salty (such as popcorn), actually tasted better than in the light.

So think about it next time you order another portion, especially if you’re struggling with extra pounds.


01:51 NUTRITION Source: Kurir TV

Source: Kurir TV


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