Home » Provisional scrutiny of the PASO 2023: they anticipate that the results may be delayed

Provisional scrutiny of the PASO 2023: they anticipate that the results may be delayed

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Provisional scrutiny of the PASO 2023: they anticipate that the results may be delayed

Marcos Schiavi, head of the National Electoral Directorate (DINE) anticipated that the day of Sunday August 13, in which the PASO 2023, it’s going to be complex. “Capital and province of Buenos Aires will take longerIn CABA you vote in two different ways and in the province we have eight categories to count,” he explained.

Schiavi stressed that you can vote from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with your last ID and that “If you do not have the latest version of your ID you cannot voteneither with the ID on the cell phone nor with the complaint”.

in dialogue with now they say (FM Futurock), the official clarified that those who do not vote in the PASO, can still vote in October: “There is nothing that prevents you from exercising your right.”

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Marcos Schiavi, head of the National Electoral Directorate (DINE)

“At DINE we are working to have results as quickly as possible, but we imagine that the day will be complex,” he acknowledged, adding that: “Capital and province of Buenos Aires will take longer”. “In CABA you vote in two different ways and in Province we have eight categories to count“, he explained.

“On election day in the City of Buenos Aires there will be a longer than normal delay, because you vote twice, what I don’t know is how long that delay will be,” the official said. “There will also be a delay because those from the City will be among the last to arrive at the computer center“, he added.

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“On Sunday, results cannot be given before 9:00 p.m.,” he stressed. However, he evaluated that it may happen that at 9:00 p.m. there are no representative results, even with the delay that can be caused in CABA and in the province of Buenos Aires. “I imagine that we are going to be around ten or half past ten at night to be able to give results “, held. “At 9:00 p.m. the parties will know how much scrutiny there is and having that level of information lowers the level of anxiety,” she concluded.

Where I vote 2023: how to check the electoral roll for the PASO of August 13

People in a position to vote will be able to consult the data on the place and polling station scheduled for Sunday, August 13.

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He provisional register It was published since May 5. Until Friday the 19th of that same month, citizens had time to make claims about their data in the event that they had been entered incorrectly or that their name did not appear directly. Debugging began at the end of May.

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To find out where they vote, authorized persons can consult the websites www.electoral.gob.ar and www.padron.gob.ar.

To do so, the voter must enter their document number, gender, district where they vote and enter a verification code.

How much is the fine for not going to vote?

The economic sanctions for not voting in the PASO They can be 50 pesos and the highest reach 500 pesos for voters over 18 years of age and under 70. To avoid the fine, it is necessary to justify this offense within a period of “sixty (60) days from the respective election.”

The fines for not casting the ballot in the elections are applied as follows: if the voter has no previous infractions without regularizing, he must pay 50 pesos, if he has 1 previous infraction it will be 100 pesos, with 2 previous infractions without regularizing the value will arrive at 200 pesos.

Meanwhile, if the voter has 3 previous infractions without regularizing, he will have a fine of 400 pesos, while if the voter has 4 or more previous infractions without regularizing, it will amount to 500 pesos.

Fines can be paid through the Banco de news Argentina by credit transfer, bank transfer or cash in person at any of its offices, although it can also be paid online.

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Where do I vote: how to find out quickly on WhatsApp

Citizens who do not yet know their polling place have an innovative and practical solution to obtain this information: a system with a chatbot in WhatsApp. Through this tool, any voter can easily discover the school and polling station number assigned to cast their vote, by making a simple query to the official chatbot called Vot-A.

The user will only have to send their document number and gender to the chatbot at +54 9 11 2455-4444, and this virtual assistant created by the National Electoral Chamber (CNE) will instantly provide the information corresponding to the Definitive Register data.

What is the difference between the blank, null, contested and appealed vote

Positive vote

According to the National Electoral Directorate, an affirmative vote is issued through the same official ballot, or more than one in case it is for different categories of positions. If the paper has erasures or tears, it will be valid as long as the heading is intact.

In the event that more than one official ballot from the same list and categories of charges is accidentally placed, only one will be computed and the rest will be destroyed.

Blank vote

The blank vote is the one on which inside the ballot box is empty or only contains a piece of paper (any color), no images, text or foreign objects. Those that contain an official ballot, but with the lack of the body corresponding to a category, are also considered like this. In that case, it will be considered a “blank vote” only for said category.

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It should be noted that it is considered a valid vote, since it represents a manifestation of the will of the electorate to refrain from choosing among the various existing alternatives, as a way of expressing their disagreement with all the candidates and with the proposals formulated by the political parties. This differentiates it from invalid, challenged or appealed votes.

Null vote

Votes made by voters will be considered invalid if they present any of the following options:

If issued by unofficial ballot. For example, ballots from previous elections and/or from other districts. Foreign objects inside the envelope, such as coins, stamps, etc. Officialized ballots from different groups for the same position. Officialized ballots from different lists of the same political group for the same category of positions. Officialized ballots that due to partial destruction, defect or erasures, do not contain, at least, the name of the party and the category of positions to be chosen. Officialized ballots that contain inscriptions and/or legends of any kind, except in the cases of erasures, additions or substitutions.

contested vote

A vote will be challenged in the event that any polling station or fiscal authority questions the identity of the voter casting the vote. This can occur on those occasions in which it is doubtful that the voter is actually the holder of the civic document that he presents, or even when a voter identified in the register appears as “absent due to forced disappearance.”

vote appealed

They are those whose validity or nullity was questioned in the scrutiny of the table by a prosecutor or table authority.

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How are the blank, null, contested and appealed votes counted?

For the counting of the blank vote, there is a distinction between the PASO and the general elections. According to the law, in primaries lists must exceed the threshold of 1.5% of validly cast votes, that is, the affirmatives and the blanks. For this reason, the percentage of blank votes is included in the total number of votes for the different lists.

In general elections it is different. For example, if a candidate for president obtained the percentage of votes necessary to win in the first round, the blank votes are excluded from the calculation, since the National Constitution, since 1994, speaks of “validly cast affirmative votes.”

The null vote, on the contrary, will not be counted in the election count. While the contested votes must not be opened or scrutinized at the table, but rather they will be sent sealed to the National Electoral Court so that this entity can decide on their validity or nullity.

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In the case of appealed votes, the prosecutor who suspects the validity of the vote must substantiate the reasons in a form and send them to the Electoral Justice together with the ballot, the respective envelope and their personal data. As with the contested vote, it will be up to the state body to define whether it is valid or null.

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The step by step of how to vote with the single electronic ballot that will apply in the city of Buenos Aires

Identity accreditation: upon arrival, the voter accredits his identity with the polling station authority, delivering his document, and is provided with a white envelope.

Vote for national authorities: With the white envelope, the voter goes to the screen to select the paper ballots corresponding to the national authorities, following the traditional voting system.

Introduction in the urn: after choosing their options on the paper ballots, the voter goes back to the table of authorities and places the envelope in the ballot box for national authorities. The table authority provides assistance if necessary.

electronic vote: the polling station authority delivers a Single Electronic Ballot (BUE) to the voter, who goes to the election machine. On the machine’s screen, the voter has two options: “Vote for political grouping” or “Vote for categories” (known as cutting the ballot), having in this last option the possibility of making combinations of categories.

choice in the machine: If you choose “Vote for political grouping” (known as a full list), all political groupings appear on the first screen. After voting and selecting a grouping, all categories associated with that grouping are automatically chosen.

Confirmation and printed vote: Once the election is over, the voter has the option to restart their vote or print it. If you choose to print, the ballot with your selections is printed and the voter verifies that their choices are correct.
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Vote validation: If the voter has any doubts, they can bring the BUE chip closer to a sensor that will display their choice on the screen to confirm that everything matches.

IIntroduction to the ballot box of local authorities: If the voter is satisfied with his choice, he folds the printed ballot, puts it in the ballot box for the local authorities and ends his vote.

Signature and delivery: the voter signs the padrón and receives the corresponding stamp to complete the voting process.


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