Home » Why did Bolívar Armijos become a trend in X?

Why did Bolívar Armijos become a trend in X?

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Why did Bolívar Armijos become a trend in X?

The name of Bolívar Armijos became a trend in X during the first minutes of the presidential debate 2023.

The candidate for the presidency for Amigo at the beginning of this one was a little out of focus during his interventions.

On several occasions he asked me to repeat the question when what he had to do was reply to the candidate who was intervening.

Other times Armijos was left blank without hitting the answers.

This did not go unnoticed by the users of the social network who even made memes of the applicant.

Here is a compilation of various memes shared by X users.

The debate

This Sunday, seven candidates for president participated in the presidential debate organized by the National Electoral Council (CNE).

The applicants discussed five thematic axes and were moderated by journalists Andrés Jungbluth and Gisella Bayona.

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