Home » Fires in Canada, a cloud of smoke hangs over the territories of the far north: the evacuation of Yellowknife ordered. Pictures

Fires in Canada, a cloud of smoke hangs over the territories of the far north: the evacuation of Yellowknife ordered. Pictures

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Fires in Canada, a cloud of smoke hangs over the territories of the far north: the evacuation of Yellowknife ordered.  Pictures

Forest fires in Canada continue to advance. In the Northeast Territories region, the authorities have ordered the evacuation of the capital of Yellowknife, the main city in the far north where 20,000 people live. The fire poses “a real threat to the city,” said Shane Thompson, regional environment minister.

Late yesterday evening, the flames were 17 km from the city. For now there is time “to evacuate everyone in a safe way”, said Thompson, urging the population to leave the city today. The region declared a state of emergency on Tuesday in the face of at least 200 fires on its territory.

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