Home » The Surprising Benefits of Placing a Lemon on Your Nightstand for Better Sleep

The Surprising Benefits of Placing a Lemon on Your Nightstand for Better Sleep

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The Surprising Benefits of Placing a Lemon on Your Nightstand for Better Sleep

Did they tell you to put a lemon on your nightstand? What is the unusual practice that everyone should adopt before sleeping?

In recent years, there are many unusual practices that have appeared to promote sleep. Perhaps it will be the increase in insomnia caused by stress that is affecting more and more people, perhaps it will be the desire to experiment with new techniques that allow us to sleep peacefully, who knows. Sure is the fact that every year a new remedy for insomnia pops up. The last is to put a lemon on the bedside table.

But what is it for? Why do we have to place it right there? Let’s see together what are the benefits that this practice can bring to our body, improving the quality of sleep and eliminating the difficulties in falling asleep.

Among the many remedies that we have heard around to induce sleep, the one of the lemon on the bedside table seems really unusual, and yet it seems that our grandmothers already knew it. Surely before going to bed, to fall asleep better and without thoughts whirling in the head, we are often advised to drink a hot herbal tea or listen to some light music, or even to do yoga, but no one had ever advised us to put a lemon on the bedside table.

Here are the benefits of putting a lemon on your bedside table:

Stress reliever: Did you know that lemon is a real stress reliever? Well, placing an open one on the nightstand next to the bed does nothing but stimulate serotonin, i.e. that hormone that regulates mood for the better, so much so that it is known as the “hormone of good mood”.

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Improves air quality: Its antibacterial and disinfectant properties can be used to improve air quality. The air in the room will really be more pleasant.

Keeps insects away: According to some studies, there are many insects that just can’t stand the sour smell of lemon and run away as soon as they smell a little. Among these insects, mosquitoes also have this reaction, so it’s perfect if you don’t want them to disturb you.

Cleans the respiratory tract: Lemon can also be very useful for those suffering from asthma, in fact, it manages to purify the air in the room and consequently helps to breathe better, freeing the airways.

Anxiety relief: Some studies have shown that inhaling the scent of lemon helps to decrease anxiety. Perfect for those who suffer from it every day.

So, the next time you find yourself struggling to fall asleep, try placing a lemon on your bedside table and see if it makes a difference. It may just be the unusual remedy that brings you a peaceful night of sleep.

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