Home » The British Museum Faces Scandal as Countries Demand Return of Stolen Cultural Relics

The British Museum Faces Scandal as Countries Demand Return of Stolen Cultural Relics

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The British Museum Faces Scandal over Self-Stealing, Prompts Demands for Return of Cultural Relics

Xinhua News Agency, London – The British Museum is currently embroiled in a credibility crisis following the revelation of a prisoner scandal. Numerous countries have now called for the swift return of cultural relics that belong to them.

In light of the scandal, the British Museum has taken steps to restore its reputation. Mark Jones, the former director of the Victoria and Albert Museum in the United Kingdom, has been appointed as the interim director to replace the previously resigned Hartwig Fischer. The museum has also initiated an independent review process to learn from the incident, while the police investigation continues.

The British Museum confessed in mid-August that it had terminated the employment of a staff member and notified the police after discovering that certain collections were either missing, stolen, or damaged. Among the lost collection were gold jewelry and glass objects from the 15th century BC to the 19th century AD. Fischer recently revealed that approximately 2,000 items from the museum’s collection were lost, with some of them not properly registered or cataloged.

A spokesperson for the British Museum confirmed in a written interview with Xinhua News Agency that the museum had requested police intervention in the investigation and implemented emergency measures to enhance security. They also emphasized the importance of the ongoing independent review to uncover the causes behind the incident.

Christopher Marinello, the chief executive of the International Art Recovery Organization, expressed his shock at the theft from the British Museum due to its status as “one of the most important and well-funded museums in the world.” Marinello, a lawyer specializing in recovering stolen artworks, expressed concern that the unregistered and uncataloged stolen collections may never be returned to the museum. He suggested that the relevant parties release a list of the stolen artifacts as soon as possible.

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Established in 1753, the British Museum is one of the most popular museums globally, boasting a collection of over 8 million items. Following the loss of cultural relics, several countries have demanded the swift return of their respective artifacts.

Despina Kotsomba, the president of the Association of Greek Archaeologists, expressed concerns over the number of Greek cultural relics among the stolen artifacts. Kotsomba also emphasized that the British Museum can no longer claim to provide better protection for Greek cultural heritage. Greek Culture Minister Lina Menzoni stated that Greece has long been requesting the return of the Parthenon marble sculptures. The security issues highlighted by the British Museum’s loss of cultural relics have only strengthened Greece’s demand.

Nigeria has also joined the call for the return of cultural relics. The Nigerian government has asked the British Museum to repatriate the Benin bronzes, currently held in Nigeria. Abba Issa Tijani, the director of the Nigerian National Museum and Monuments Committee, expressed shock at the thefts, stating that other countries and museums had previously claimed that the bronzes were unsafe in Nigeria. Tijani stressed that these stolen cultural relics must be returned to their places of origin. The Nigerian government plans to write to the British Museum and the British government, demanding the immediate return of the Benin bronzes within the next few weeks.

In terms of Egyptian cultural relics, Zahi Hawass, a renowned Egyptian archaeologist and former Minister of Antiquities, displayed strong dissatisfaction with the British Museum’s handling of these artifacts. Hawass characterized the incidents as “serious crimes” and demanded the return of Egyptian treasures, including the Rosetta Stone. Additionally, Hawass suggested that UNESCO and the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities convene an international conference to address the risks associated with preserving cultural relics in the British Museum and explore avenues for their prompt return to their original locations.

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As the investigation into the self-stealing scandal continues, the British Museum is facing mounting pressure from various countries to return cultural relics that rightfully belong to them.

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