Home » California Lawmakers Push for Increased Mandatory Sick Leave as Other States Implement More Generous Policies

California Lawmakers Push for Increased Mandatory Sick Leave as Other States Implement More Generous Policies

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California Lawmakers Push for Increased Mandatory Sick Leave as Other States Implement More Generous Policies

California Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Increase Mandatory Sick Leave

California lawmakers are looking to increase the amount of mandatory sick leave for workers in the state. Currently, workers are entitled to three days of sick leave a year, but Senator Lena Gonzalez has introduced Senate Bill 616 to increase this. Initially, the bill would have mandated at least seven days of sick pay, but it has been amended to at least five days.

The push to increase sick leave comes as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has left many people unable to work for extended periods. Federal and state laws provided supplemental recovery time and sick pay for those affected by the virus. However, with the temporary protections offered by COVID-19 sick leave ending last year, lawmakers believe it is important to ensure workers have the necessary sick leave to care for their health and their families.

Despite support from Senator Gonzalez and other advocates, a coalition of business groups opposes the legislation. They argue that many small businesses are still struggling financially due to the pandemic and that additional sick leave requirements would increase costs for employers. They also cite estimates that unscheduled absenteeism costs about $3,600 per year for every hourly employee in the state.

However, a survey conducted by the Small Business Majority found that the majority of small business owners, approximately 85%, support expanding guaranteed annual sick days from three to seven. They understand the importance of not only their employees’ financial well-being but also their own.

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The need for increased sick leave is highlighted by the story of Kim Robinson, a health clinic manager in Stockton. Robinson has faced challenges in balancing her work responsibilities with caring for sick family members. Despite having access to 56 hours of sick leave, she found it insufficient to meet her needs. Robinson’s experience demonstrates the struggle many workers face in maintaining employment while also tending to the well-being of their loved ones.

Robinson’s situation also raises concerns about job security and the fear of being fired for taking too much time off. Even with the protections provided by the Family Medical Leave Act, workers often find themselves in precarious situations when their sick leave accumulates unevenly or runs out. Employers may not always be understanding or accommodating, leaving workers in difficult positions.

As the debate continues, lawmakers and advocates are urging for an increase in mandatory sick leave to address the needs of workers and ensure their well-being. The final outcome of Senate Bill 616 remains uncertain, but the discussion around sick leave policies in California is an important one that could have significant implications for workers across the state.

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