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The Queen Elizabeth’s Secret to Longevity: A Perfectly Balanced Diet

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The Queen Elizabeth’s Secret to Longevity: A Perfectly Balanced Diet

Queen Elizabeth’s Secret to Longevity Revealed: A Balanced Diet and Moderation

Queen Elizabeth lived nearly 100 years, maintaining her impeccable physical shape until the very end. Many have wondered about the secret to her longevity, and it seems that her diet played a crucial role.

Despite being missing for over a year, the memory of Queen Elizabeth remains alive in people’s hearts with great affection and esteem. Her fitness level was truly remarkable, and it is believed that she never focused on strict dieting throughout her life.

Recently, the Queen’s personal chef disclosed that Her Majesty never imposed strict restrictions on her favorite foods and indulged herself at the dining table. This included having dessert every day, and not just a small serving.

So, what was Queen Elizabeth’s secret?

Queen Elizabeth’s Special Diet

The sovereign lived a well-rounded life for 96 years, maintaining an enviable appearance until the very end. Many have wondered about the secret behind her longevity, and after some time, chefs who worked alongside Queen Elizabeth shed light on her dietary habits.

The main secret was moderation. Queen Elizabeth never overate, but instead, she ate to survive rather than living to eat. Darren McGrady, who worked alongside the Queen for many years, revealed that she enjoyed sweets, especially chocolate and cream, but always in small portions.

Even a glass of wine made its way to the Queen’s table every day. Her morning routine started with a cup of Earl Gray tea, without sugar, accompanied by a few biscuits. She occasionally varied her breakfast with cereals, yogurt, toast, and orange marmalade, or scrambled eggs with salmon or kippers.

For lunch, Queen Elizabeth preferred fish, but her gin and Dubonnet cocktail was a must-have. Dinner consisted of an appetizer featuring Gleneagles, a dish based on salmon, trout, and mackerel, followed by venison, game, steaks, and vegetables, all sourced from the Royal estates.

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However, each portion was minimal and sparingly seasoned. Queen Elizabeth never gave up desserts, but limited herself to a few squares of dark chocolate or a slice of cake with berries or peaches. She never overlooked a glass of champagne, enjoying the finest from the Buckingham Palace cellars.

The Queen’s balanced diet, coupled with moderation and portion control, seemed to be the key to her remarkable longevity. Her approach to food serves as a reminder that indulging in moderation can contribute to a healthy and fulfilling life.

Photo credit: ansa.it (abruzzo.cityrumors.it)

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