Home » The results of the Elections in Mendoza

The results of the Elections in Mendoza

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The results of the Elections in Mendoza

The province of Mendoza went to the polls this Sunday to elect its governor for the next four years, in a fight that polarized between the radical Alfredo Cornejo (Cambia Mendoza) and former PRO Omar De Marchi (Unión Mendocina). During the day, 19 senators and 24 provincial deputies are also defined.

The Electoral Board of Mendoza reported that the 71% of the voters attended to vote, which indicates a growth of five points in electoral participation with respect to the provincial PASO that took place in June. In Mendoza, furthermore, There was a difference of 16 points in favor of La Libertad Avanza in the national elections: 44.80% went to Javier Milei, while Together for Change, in second place, received 28.24% of the votes.

Cornejo celebrated with the current governor, Rodolfo Suarez, and his future vice, Hebe Casado

The results of the Elections in Mendoza with 88.67% of the tables counted:

Alfredo Cornejo (Cambia Mendoza): 39.80%

Omar De Marchi (La Unión Mendocina): 29.49%

Omar Parisi (Elegí Front): 14.69%

Mario Vadillo (Green Party): 11.86%

Lautaro Giménez (FIT-U): 4.16%

Alfredo Cornejo: “It is an honor to be governor of Mendoza again”

Alfredo Cornejo won the elections this Sunday and will once again be governor of Mendoza from December 9. “It is an honor to be governor of Mendoza again and be elected again by the vote of the people of Mendoza,” he said and added: “fills me with pridebut this generates commitment in me and much more than I already have for the public service that I love and for which I have prepared myself professionally and which we have built by a team that, without a doubt, surpasses me.”

“We are going to do everything we can to make Mendoza grow,” Cornejo promised.

“It is a team of young and not so young people from different specialties that wants Mendoza to progress. We are going to do everything we can to make Mendoza grow.this standard of public services that with great effort we have in the province is developed and maintained,” said the leader of radicalism who was governor in the period 2015-2019.

“Mendoza has a very important work culture. We are going to continue striving for a better Mendoza. We thank everyone who has supported us. It is a pride to be able to add people who come from outside political activity but who are committed. We want to represent the people of Mendoza who want to progress and require good administration“said Cornejo, after statements by Rodolfo Suarez and Hebe Casado.

Peronist Omar Parisi, who ran as a candidate for governor for Elegí Mendoza, acknowledged that his space came in third place: “We obtained between 15 and 17%,” he told the local press.

Omar Parisi. Photo: Telam

“We will not have met the expectations that the people of Mendoza had, but we are happy because we have given everything,” he said. Omar ParisiPeronist candidate for the governorship of Mendoza.

In a tone of defeat, however, he stressed that I chose Mendoza He managed to prevail in Malargüe, a town that was in the hands of radicalism.

Parisi made a self-criticism and assured that “the people of Mendoza will have seen in other candidates qualities that we do not have” and said that they are “fighting vote by vote” for seats at the provincial level and in the deliberative councils. Although without mentioning anyone, he criticized his party. “Peronism needs unity and for Peronism candidates to have the support of Peronism, something that in some cases did not happen,” he said and denied having received calls from national leaders on a day that was defined as the worst defeat in the history of Justicialism. local.

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Regarding Alfredo Cornejo and Omar de Marchi, Parisi assured: “I always said that they were two sides of the same coin. Now we will see how they behave in the Legislature.”

Greater electoral participation with respect to the provincial PASO

The Electoral Board of Mendoza reported that the The percentage of electoral participation grew 5 points with respect to the provincial PASO.

Of the total of 1,488,736 people eligible to vote, 71% of the voters went to the polls, compared to the 66% registered on June 11.

Around 10 p.m. the first results of the election day will be known.

X (ex Twitter)/@PrensaJudicial

Visit of Patricia Bullrich to support Alfredo Cornejo

Patricia Bullrich. Photo: Anita Pouchard Serra (Bloomberg)

The presidential candidate of Together for Change, Patricia Bullricharrived in Mendoza around 7 p.m., to join the Cornejo bunker around 8 p.m. and await the results.

His running mate, Luis Petri from Mendoza, confirmed his presence during the morning. “We are going to wait for the results with her, Alfredo and Hebe Casado (the candidate for lieutenant governor),” he told the press.

After the electoral victories in Santa Fe and Chaco, the former Security Minister’s coalition is excited about the possibility of adding another governorship.

Patricia Bullrich and Alfredo Cornejo. Photo: X (ex Twitter) @elsolonline

Omar De Marchi rejected the complaints against him for “vote buying”

The candidate for governor of Mendoza for La Unión Mendocina, Omar De Marchi, rejected the complaints that political opponents maintain against him by accusing him of trying to buy votes in exchange for bags of food and spoke about his relationship with the presidential candidate for La Unión Mendocina. Libertad Avanza (LLA), Javier Milei.

After voting, De Marchi pointed out his main competitor, the radical Alfredo Cornejo (Cambia Mendoza) by stating that “There have been certain traps” and that “they have tried to articulate things in these hours as a result of desperation to lose.”

In statements with the local media, the leader of La Unión Mendocina spoke of the polarization that he is leading against Cornejo and stressed that his political space, which he defined as a provincial force, has maintained the two founding pillars: concern for the province and the future of it.

“The Mendoza Union is not a political space, it is a cry of rebellion against the stillness of today’s Mendoza, against the lack of answers and solutions, against things not working,” he argued, and completed: “If we win, it would be a blow for those who do not know Mendoza, but for those who do know, no.”

Likewise, he reported having been the victim of a dirty campaign promoted by opponents via social networks, where photos of him with representatives of Unión por la Patria were disseminated, and he remarked: “The result of the PASO has disoriented many who believed they had the upper hand tied”.

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Asked about his relationship with the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, he responded: “We have a very good personal relationship with Milei. I really appreciate that she has put interesting ideas on the table. But for me, there is nothing more important than the province of Mendoza.”

“We have a great dialogue and a deep relationship. We talk about the country, institutional advances in the province, and important issues,” De Marchi revealed. .
Finally, he called on society to vote and was aware of “the anger that exists due to the lack of results from the Government”, which is why he stressed that “We must take responsibility for this time, which means going to raise our voice at the ballot box with a vote.”

Rodolfo Suárez denounced the “discrimination” of the national government towards the province

Governor Rodolfo Suárez assured today that “In this Argentina that we are living in, surely of changes, Mendoza is going to be in a very good position to grow when the macroeconomy settles in.”

When casting his vote, the president said that “we are a Government and a serious team, who know where we have to go. Mendoza is well administered and we have been through difficult times with the men and women of Mendoza, for the discrimination we have had from the national government, for belonging to a different political color.”

Suarez stressed that “in this Argentina that we are living in, surely undergoing changes, Mendoza will be in a very good position to grow when the macroeconomy settles in.”

He also questioned the tone of the campaign, stating: “I don’t remember being aware of a campaign with this amount of grievances. I suppose that many went outside the scheme of what we Mendoza people are, of respect, of institutionality.”

Alfredo Cornejo announced that Patricia Bullrich will be in Mendoza

The radical candidate for governor of Cambia Mendoza, Alfredo Cornejo, assured that He hopes “that this election will help the people of Mendoza to choose a good government in a national context that may be turbulent in the first part but that must be one of growth later.”

The leader of Together for Change indicated that “Argentina has to change its economic orientation,” since the instruments in that area “They are very relevant in all provinces.” “Let’s hope that this change in economic orientation at the national level will have a good impact on Mendoza”said the former provincial leader after casting his vote.

The radical candidate also referred to the harshness with which the electoral campaign was experienced in the jurisdiction and remarked: “It was negative, with many grievances. We must put it aside. We have tried not to fall into that.”

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On the other hand, he clarified that the presidential candidate for Together for Change, Patricia Bullrich, “is going to come” to the province to accompany them.

Who are the candidates in Mendoza

The favorite formula to win is the one made up of Senator Cornejo and Hebe Casado, under the seal “Cambia Mendoza”. The pair defeated Luis Petri (Patricia Bullrich’s running mate) and Patricia Giménez internally, and is well positioned to succeed the current president Rodolfo Suárez, who does not have re-election.

For its part, the national deputy De Marchi, who competes on the outside with “Unión Mendocina” together with Daniel Orozco, aspires to strike a blow in the bastion of radicalism. Together for Change broke down in Cuyo territory and the national leadership of the coalition supported the radical candidates of “Cambia Mendoza.”

Peronism, grouped in the Frente Elegí Mendoza, presented itself with Omar Parisi-Lucas Ilardoafter an internal one that included the pre-candidacies for governor and vice of Guillermo Carmona-Liliana Paponet, Nicolás Guillén-Lorena Martín and Alfredo Guevara-Patricia Galván.

While the Unity Left Front has Lautaro Jiménez and Noelia Barbeito (PTS), after defeating Víctor da Vila and Nadya Ortiz Gazzo (Partido Obrero) in the internal contest. Finally, the Green Party presented itself with the candidacies of Mario Vadillo for governor and Emanuel Fugazzotto for vice president.

In addition to putting into play the governor and vice formula that will lead the province’s destinies for the next four years, this September 24, they were elected 6 senators and 8 deputies for the First electoral section, 5 senators and 6 deputies for the Second electoral section, 4 senators and 5 deputies for the Third electoral section, and 4 senators and 5 deputies for the Fourth electoral section.

The results of the PASO in Mendoza

On June 11, the pro-government front Change Mendoza He won the provincial primary elections with an advantage of more than 20 points and established the radical Alfredo Cornejo as the main candidate to win the Governorship.

With 99% of the tables scrutinized, the ruling space achieved 42.68% of the votes: In the internal elections, the national senator and former governor Cornejo was crowned the winner (60%), surpassing his competitor, the also radical Luis Petri (39.2%).

For its part, The Mendoza Unionwhich brings together former allies of Cambia Mendoza, was in second place with the candidacy of the PRO leader Omar de Marchi: he obtained 20.29%.

Third place was in the hands of Elegí Mendoza, with 15.68%: Omar Parisi prevailed internally against the other three Peronist lists. The Green Party candidate, Mario Vadillo, came in fourth place (4.49%), followed by the Left Front, which obtained 3.92% and established Lautaro Jiménez as its candidate.

The person who traveled especially to celebrate the victory was the PRO presidential candidate Patricia Bullrich. When appearing alongside Cornejo, the former Minister of Security highlighted that it was “a great Sunday for everyone Together for Change in the country” and highlighted the victories in Mendoza, San Luis and Corrientes.

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