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The attorney general requested that the marches not be used as a political platform – news

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The attorney general requested that the marches not be used as a political platform – news

The call to the National Government to ensure safe and transparent elections.

The Attorney General of the Nation, Margarita Cabello Blanco, urged the Minister of the Interior, Luis Fernando Velasco, so that his portfolio guarantees that the marches called by the National Government for next September 27, “do not become platforms to promote some candidacy.

In the National Commission for the Coordination and Monitoring of the Electoral Processes held in Cali, he expressed his concern, as political organizations, candidates and citizens have expressed to the control body their concern regarding the possibility of instrumentalization of the marches called by part of some candidates for these elections.

The Attorney General recalled that jurisprudence is clear in defining the criteria to understand participation in politics, actions that have already motivated sanctions against public servants.

Luis Fernando Velasco, Minister of the Interior.

“From different pronouncements, especially from the Council of State, participation in politics is not only the express request to vote for a candidate, but it must be foreseen as any action that generates in the collective imagination, the creation of alliances or support that breaks with the balance of the contest.”

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