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BVDAK advocates nationwide, effective strikes

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BVDAK advocates nationwide, effective strikes

Gilching near Munich – October 5th, 2023

Pursue fee claims closed

On the sidelines of the German Pharmacists’ Day, the board and the member cooperations of the BVDAK – Federal Association of German Pharmacy Cooperations eV meet every year for a meeting. As in previous years, this also opened up the opportunity in direct connection with the DAT 2023 to immediately analyze and respond directly to all industry policy statements and events.

ABDA President Gabriele Regina Overwiening’s speech summed up the importance of maintaining unity. The pharmacies must not be deterred from this by the statements made by the Federal Minister of Health, Dr. Have Karl Lauterbach dissuaded. It is simply too obvious what goal he was pursuing with publications in the popular press the day before the DAT.

Nationwide strikes most effective

After extensive consultation, the BVDAK unanimously voted in favor of a full day closure throughout Germany in November. BVDAK board chairman Dr. Stefan Hartmann: “Nationwide strikes have the greatest power. We can see from the examples of other professional groups how easily regional protests can be circumvented: then we head for the nearest airport or, in our case, a pharmacy on the edges of the planned strike zones.”

An all-day, nationwide day of protest is without a doubt the most effective way to draw attention to our demands by closing pharmacies. If this does not come about, the BVDAK will still support the regional strikes planned by the ABDA on four different days – because unity and discipline are currently the measure of all things.

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Advocate for fee adjustments

Politicians’ fee demands, which aim for a fixed salary of €12.35, must be vigorously pursued. The legitimate interests of pharmacy employees must no longer be denied by the Federal Minister of Health.

The BVDAK takes the position that around 30% of the resulting additional income should flow directly into the collective wage agreement. Higher salaries would be an important part of making jobs in community pharmacies more attractive in order to find new employees and retain them in the long term.

Dr. Stefan Hartmann explains further: “We advocate discipline and unity in all activities, both towards the ABDA and towards all other groups. This is the only way we will be able to gain the full support of all patients and customers. We have to make it clear to them why we are striking: against further pharmacy closures, for a safe supply of medicines close to home, for us and our patients.”

In order to maintain unity, the BVDAK is in favor of a very clear strategy: A one-day, Germany-wide strike day in November with communication in two directions: The well-founded fee demand of €12.35 is presented for politicians – nothing more. Patients are informed why the pharmacies are on strike.

And about the fact that Lauterbach’s pharmacy-light ideas are neither new nor advantageous, but rather would destroy the proven pharmacy system to its foundations. We expect 600 (!) closures in 2023 by the end of 2023.

Dr. Stefan Hartmann: “For further protest measures – for a significant increase in fees – for safe and close-to-home supply of medicines. So for us and our patients.”

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About the BVDAK:

The Federal Association of German Pharmacy Cooperations (BVDAK) has been an interest representative and service provider for its member cooperations and supporting members since 2008. It protects the professional and political interests of its pharmacy cooperations and thus also their almost 10,000 affiliated pharmacies. The BVDAK works at the federal level and is committed to ensuring comprehensive, but also high-quality, pharmaceutical care. The BVDAK thus advocates for owner-managed pharmacies in a networked form that are involved in pharmacy cooperations.

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