Home » Shandong’s “Autumn Yellow River Fair” Celebrates Harvest and Promotes Cultural Heritage

Shandong’s “Autumn Yellow River Fair” Celebrates Harvest and Promotes Cultural Heritage

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Shandong’s “Autumn Yellow River Fair” Launched to Invite People to Share the Fruits of the Harvest

China News Network • 2023-10-11 18:04:19

On October 11, the launching ceremony of Shandong Province’s “Autumn Yellow River Fair” was held at the Huashan Historical and Cultural Wetland Park in Licheng District, Jinan City, Shandong Province. The fair brought together Shandong handicrafts, love markets, specialty agricultural products, and intangible cultural heritage performances, inviting the public to celebrate together and share the joy of harvest.

The theme of the fair is “Yellow River Fair Celebrates Harvest and Shandong’s Good Products Benefit the Public”. It aims to improve the quality of Shandong’s handmade products and enhance the industrial market competitiveness. Through “offline fairs + online goods + publicity and promotion”, the fair extends the handmade industrial chain and drives more people to benefit from it.

The agricultural products exhibition area of the fair features durians from Malaysia. Muhammad Hussein, Chairman of KADA of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of Malaysia, sent his blessings to the fair, emphasizing the importance of bilateral trade in agricultural and sideline products. He expressed the hope that Malaysian agricultural products could be recognized by the Chinese people.

The fair is part of the “Yellow River Fair” platform built by the Propaganda Department of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee. The platform uses various activities such as markets, exhibitions, and festivals to promote rural revitalization and open up sales for Shandong’s high-quality products. The Licheng District cooperated with various departments to hold more than 200 Yellow River gathering activities, achieving remarkable results.

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This year’s “Autumn Yellow River Fair” series of activities will be held in various parts of Shandong. Highlights of the fair include the “Autumn Yellow River Fair” night market, the display and sales of special products during the golden autumn harvest season, and the “Yellow River Fair” in the community.

The “Yellow River Fair” brand activities are based on different seasonal themes, including the “Spring Outing Fair” in spring, the “Handmade Fair” in summer, the “Harvest Fair” in autumn, and the “New Year’s Goods Fair” in winter. The goal of these activities is to explore the contemporary value contained in the Yellow River culture and promote ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.

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