Home » Video games: for Italians they are a remedy against stress

Video games: for Italians they are a remedy against stress

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Video games: for Italians they are a remedy against stress

It was already understood that video games are not just a source of entertainment during the months of lockdown due to the pandemic, when millions of people used them to socialize, stem the sense of loneliness and relieve anxiety.

The recent study The Power of Playconducted on approx 13 thousand video gamers of 12 countries in the world, created by the North American association The ESA, in collaboration with ESA Canada, IGEA Australia, Kgames South Korea and Video Games Europe, of which the Italian IIDEA is also partconfirms that having fun remains the main reason for playing, but it is not the only one and sometimes not even the most important.

The majority of players interviewed maintain that playing is a healthy way to let off steam, a way to increase positive moods and a valuable help in overcoming difficult moments in life.

Second the over 1000 Italian gamers involved in research, video games recognize various benefits such as stimulating the mind (70%), connecting different types of people (78%), creating accessible experiences for people with different abilities (75%).

For the Italians interviewed, playing reduces the feeling of stress (69%), anxiety (58%) and loneliness (45%). Video games are an effective tool for reducing stress at all levels, for women more than for men, especially between the ages of 25 and 34.

The sample states that in addition to being a useful tool for dealing with daily challenges (66%), they sometimes play a therapeutic role and, for four out of ten interviewees, they were useful in overcoming difficult moments.

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The data confirms the findings of the in-depth 2020 study Gaming may not be as bad as you think, conducted by the Oxford Internet Institute.

Oxford research highlighted a correlation between play time and feelings of well-being. Players who had played extensively in the two weeks prior to the interview reported a strong feeling of well-being.

Again according to the report The Power of Play, video games are able to improve some skills and attitudes such as creativity (69%), they help develop cognitive skills (68%), facilitate teamwork (63%), refine language skills (63%) and generally stimulate flexibility (59%).

With respect to gaming habits, 71% of Italian champion has a positive experience of online gamingwhich is often preferred to in-person gaming when you choose to play in company.

The data is particularly interesting because from a study published this year by researchers from istituti Texas A&M, University of North Carolina e Baylor Universityit is clear that online gaming communities offer valid social support for dealing with life events and encourage a strong sense of community on a par with real-life bonds.

In general, it is important to underline how the data photographed in Italy reflects global data, confirming how the positive perception of the medium is independent of the geographical and cultural area of ​​those who use it.

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