Home » In Guadalupe there is the best educational experience in the country

In Guadalupe there is the best educational experience in the country

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In Guadalupe there is the best educational experience in the country

The Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Guadalupe educational institution has been awarded the title for the best pedagogical experience in the country, highlighting its STEM focus and its dedication to educational innovation.

Diario del Huila, Context

In the beautiful lands of Guadalupe, in the south of Huila, beyond the 15 kilometers that separate its urban center and on the borders between Garzón and Guadalupeis the educational institution Nuestra Señora del Carmen. This corner, between coffee plantations and picturesque mountains, is home to the most outstanding pedagogical experience in the country, with a STEM focus that has been recognized with a prestigious award.

The recognition was awarded to the professor of natural sciences and environmental education, Walter Plazas Vargas, during an emotional ceremony held in Bogotá, part of Educa Digital Colombia 2023.

The competition included the participation of 11 educators from different regions of the country, who presented their significant experiences. In addition, 18 Makerlab teams exhibited innovative projects, and 15 “ExperTICos” winning students contributed their talent and creativity to this outstanding educational event, which brought together more than 300 in-person attendees.

Over three intense days, teachers and students shared knowledge, participated in conferences, workshops and panels, exploring everything from the most avant-garde educational methodologies to the impact of artificial intelligence and augmented reality in the classrooms of the future.

Walter Esneider Plazas, when explaining the selection process, explained that the call, led by Computadores para Educar and its strategic allies such as the Ministry of ICT and Education, covered educational institutions from all over the country.

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Participation involved sending videos and systematizing pedagogical experiences that transcend the limits of the classroom. This process was carried out by regions, dividing the country into six: Andean region 1, Andean region 2, Pacific, Caribbean, Orinoquía and Amazonia.

After passing various stages of selection, the experience from Guadalupe stood out as winner in the category of ‘Pedagogical Experiences with a STEM Focus’.

In the call for Significant Experiences, the jury recognized teacher Walter Esneider Plazas as the winner in the category of Experiences with a STEM educational focus. His innovative approach and dedication to the STEM field not only inspired, but demonstrated an outstanding commitment to educational excellence.

«This achievement is not mine alone; I just wouldn’t have made it. It is the result of the efforts of an entire educational community, including teachers Julio César Arenas Rojas, Edward Andrés Álvarez, Néstor Augusto Cabrera Avilés, the rector José Miller Gómez Perdomo, and the students José Leiner Cabrera Motta and Mónica Liceth Figueroa Parra«shared Professor Walter, as his students affectionately call him.

When we refer to the STEM approach, we talk about the interdisciplinarity between mathematics, natural sciences, technology, among other disciplines.

The experience

The educational experience is based on three baselines, according to the teacher. Firstly, the rescue of ancestral knowledge transmitted by grandparents stands out, based on what the land has provided them. For example, knowledge of seeds such as Chachafruto, the iraca palm, and crafts for making hats or bracelets are explored, where children and young people are the protagonists.

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«We have tenth and eleventh grade students who act as workshop leaders, teaching primary school children. We also address the ancestral practice of crochet«added the teacher.

The second line focuses on good agricultural practices, with collaboration with the Sena in professional technicians on specialty coffee issues for the certification of farms, given the coffee-growing nature of the area.

The third line focuses on the research project on water and soil resources, which earned them recognition at the beginning of the year as the best innovation project in educational research in the department of Huila.

These four teachers, dedicated to education in rural areas, have accumulated various achievements in almost 10 years of experience, forming a team of teachers composed of Julio César Arenas Rojas, Edward Andrés Álvarez, Néstor Augusto Cabrera Avilés and Walter Plazas.

They won?

In addition to the title for the best pedagogical experience in the country, a recognition that fills the students with pride, Professor Walter highlights that they are guides of the processes, with young people being the true protagonists.

Next week, as part of the awards, will receive an educational innovation laboratory donated by Computadores para Educar. This laboratory will be equipped with 3D printers, interactive boards and a facility for creating prototypes of robotics, electronics and servers. In addition to the laboratory, the team also received a computer as part of the awards.

Likewise, in the category of focus on virtual education and hybrid learning, teacher Jhon Jairo Sánchez de Montería (Córdoba) emerged as the winner, for his deep understanding of the dynamics of learning in virtual and hybrid environments that highlight his leadership in implementation of effective and creative methodologies.

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Other recognitions

This educational experience has also obtained other recognitions, including first place at the departmental level as the best significant pedagogical experience in 2022. Winner of the SED Huila economic incentive.

Winner in the municipal, departmental and national phase in the STEM Route 2022 of the Ministry of ICT and Technological University of Pereira. Listed and awarded among the 12 best research projects in the country, in the STEM framework (Involving the areas of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, arts, music and technology).

Recognition from the municipal council of Guadalupe in 2021, recognition of the Ondas Huila program in 2022, departmental recognition by the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Alto Magdalena CAM in 2022 and Guadalupana order 2022.

Representatives of the department of Huila at the 7th Environmental Forum “Native seeds: Historical Legacy of Humanity.”

Awarded as the best project in educational innovation and research in the department of Huila in 2023. EducaHuila Platform of the Government of Huila, Up Holding and general royalty system.

Awarded as one of the 10 best PRAES school environmental projects in the department of Huila in 2023 according to the CAM.

Best significant pedagogical experience in the Colombian Andean region in 2023 according to the Ministry of ICT, Computers for Education, International Labor Organization and Wikimedia Colombia.

Participants for the 2023 sustainable school award.

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