Home » Implementing the Spirit of Xi Jinping’s Speech: Municipal Standing Committee Meeting

Implementing the Spirit of Xi Jinping’s Speech: Municipal Standing Committee Meeting

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The Municipal Standing Committee recently held a meeting to discuss and study the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s recent important speech and the spirit of relevant central and provincial meetings. The meeting, which was held on the morning of November 17, was presided over by Municipal Party Committee Secretary Liu Wenhua.

During the meeting, Secretary Liu Wenhua emphasized the need to conscientiously study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches, including those focusing on strengthening and improving ethnic work, strengthening financial work, and promoting international exchanges and cooperation.

The meeting also conveyed and learned the spirit of the Provincial Development Zone Reform, Innovation and Development Conference, as well as the work requirements put forward by Ye Jianchun, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Governor, during his investigation in Jiujiang. The participants emphasized a need to fully implement the deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, continue to deepen the reform and innovation of development zones, and actively integrate Jiujiang’s role in promoting the regional development of the Nanchang metropolitan area.

In addition, the meeting also heard a report on the recent cultural creation work in the city center and discussed various other matters.

Overall, the meeting served as a platform for local leaders to exchange ideas and strategies for implementing the important directives and speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping, with a focus on advancing the economic and social development of the region.

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