Home » 12th Birthday Celebration of ‘la Lettura’: Books, Poetry, and Music

12th Birthday Celebration of ‘la Lettura’: Books, Poetry, and Music

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12th Birthday Celebration of ‘la Lettura’: Books, Poetry, and Music

“La Lettura” Celebrates Twelve Years with Afternoon of Culture and Music

“La Lettura”, the Sunday culture supplement of the “Corriere”, celebrated its twelfth anniversary yesterday with an afternoon of poetry, science, and music at the Buzzati Hall of the Corriere Foundation. The event, which took place on the last day of BookCity Milano, offered an opportunity for readers to engage with different aspects of culture and literature.

Ferruccio de Bortoli, president of the Corriere Foundation, hailed the supplement as “an extraordinary adventure in culture that we all need” as he marked the twelfth birthday of the new season. Antonio Troiano, head of culture for the “Corriere” and “la Lettura”, also took a moment to remember three influential figures in the literary world who passed away, including Giulio Nascimbeni, Ranieri Polese, and Francesco Cevasco.

The event featured a variety of guests including neuroscientist Michela Matteoli, author of The talent of the brain, who explained the brain’s functions during reading. Matteoli discussed the plasticity of the brain and how reading can create a sense of involvement for the reader. She was followed by poetry slammer Antonio Amadeus Pinnetti and author Ester Viola, who each offered their unique perspectives on the power and influence of literature.

The event also featured the witty and humorous commentary of Chiara Galeazzi, author of Poverina, who brought levity to the conversation by joking about the idiosyncrasies of literature. Critic Piero Dorfles added to the discussion, explaining why books are essential for personal growth and understanding.

As the day concluded, the band Filospada provided a musical finale with songs from their latest album. The event marked the end of BookCity Milano, boasting approximately 140 thousand participants in 1,500 events with 3 thousand authors and around half a million views on the site.

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The celebration of “la Lettura” demonstrated the enduring power of books and culture, providing a space for readers and enthusiasts to engage with literature and music in such difficult times.

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