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Photo: Sapir Shuval

in the middle of October Ripple We intended to launch a capsule collection in honor of the brand’s 8th birthday.

Edva Brunner says: “There was supposed to be a photo shoot scheduled in advance and canceled because the war started two days before. The war destroyed all the cards and left us unable to react and decide what to do (especially because Noam, who worked for us until about a year ago, was murdered at a party, and Bar, who was the benzog of Yaera who worked for us, was captured at the party and was also murdered), we were busy supporting our relatives who lost dear ones and donating clothes The many evacuees who arrived in our area lacked everything.
After a little over a week and after we thought about it that we must continue to move and create We quickly produced a photo shoot day at my house with the women from the studio and friends, and put the collection up for pre-sale.’

The free sale – including a 15% discount – will last until 10/11 and Ripple continues to donate clothes worth 25% of all purchases on the site to those in need, and take out encouraging packages for customers from the wrapper.

“We must continue to move and create”
As someone whose assignment in the Olympics, which is this incarnation, is without a doubt in the field of being and not in the field of doing, I find myself thinking about this a lot: what will someone like me, whose doing does not come naturally to her, do now to move from the stagnation.
Because there is no question: Action is the cure right now (I feel the need to write for a moment that I refer to myself and to those of us who were not in the first wave and who do not continue to fight hell on a real daily basis).
What does someone like me do who sees everyone around her volunteering, driving, packing and moving but can’t even decide if now is the right time to get up and take a shower.
The question: how to start generating minimal traffic.
Surprisingly my answer is currently in the kitchen. Surprising, because the kitchen is a place where I normally try to spend as little time as possible (I believe in eating food that takes no more time than preparing it), and here now I discover the immediate comfort of chopping, frying and mixing.
It’s action, and it’s not just action, it’s action that creates certainty in the fog of battle.
Watch: in the next few minutes the onion will turn golden, because that’s how it is.

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I didn’t invent it myself, I learned it from Nora Efron. In the book “Heartburn” she writes (sorry, but I couldn’t find the exact quote) that what she likes about cooking is that no matter how terrible your day was, when you mix butter and flour – and maybe something else – you get, sorry, but I don’t remember exactly what you receiving The usual thing you get when mixing butter and flour, maybe something else.
It’s a sure thing, she writes. A sure thing in a world where nothing is certain.

The touch of tenderness outweighs the blow
An entry in a travel diary

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