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I BRING – Greetings – News – ITALY

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A few days after the definitive approval in Parliament of the decree passed last September, the Council of Ministers launches a new Energy Legislative Decree. Forward on renewables and the decarbonisation of gas and energy-intensive companies. Progress on supply, with the rule that unblocks the regasifiers of Gioia Tauro and Porto Empedocle. There is no extension of the protected marketbut it is nothing new: the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security, Gilberto Pichetto, anticipated it last week, speaking of an unpacking of users, in order to protect the vulnerable.

A choice that makes the opposition jump out of their seats. “The attitude of this government is truly disconcerting which, on an issue such as the protected market, turns a deaf ear and plays buck-passing,” thunders Annalisa Corrado, head of the Environment in the PD secretariat. …The M5S deputies in the Productive Activities Committee of the Chamber brand the lack of extension as “blind fury towards families” and Luana Zanella, group leader of Avs in Montecitorio, warns: “Families and businesses must prepare for the bloodletting wanted by a dangerous and irresponsible”.
However, the owner of the department in via Cristoforo Colombo claims the effort made for a decree that he defines as “very varied”, with a series of measures attributable to “a solid and pragmatic energy vision”. “The great potential of the country” is being released, he says, to make it “a reference in the Mediterranean for renewables”.
The measure is worth 27.4 billion in investments: “We want to support families and businesses, to make them even more protagonists of a balanced and realistic transition”, explains Pichetto.
There is support for offshore wind in the South, with the identification of two ports in the South to develop investments in the sector, functional to hosting floating platforms, to be identified after expressions of interest.
The production sectors involved in the decarbonisation process are supported, “for example, providing important answers for thousands of companies with high electricity and gas consumption”, says Pichetto. A new study is also underway to enhance the carbon capture and storage chain. To accelerate the development of renewables towards the 2030 objectives, the Regions are encouraged to build photovoltaic systems in suitable areas with a fund for compensatory works. The fund, for Regions and Autonomous Provinces, amounts to 350 million per year until 2032.
The provision then adopts an incentive system to install renewable source systems aimed at around 3,800 companies with high electricity consumption such as those in the chemical, glass and textile industries, which will be able to see the effects of the construction of these systems anticipated by the GSE, to be repaid over the next twenty years.
“We also approve a rule to consider as public utility, non-deferrable and urgent, the works for the construction and operation of on-shore liquid natural gas regasification terminals, as well as the related infrastructures: an important rule for plants such as Porto Empedocle and Gioia Tauro“, he specifies. Progress also on geothermal electricity and bioethanol, on district heating.
A digital portal will collect data and information on the development of the national electricity grid. Finally, local authorities will be able to apply to host the national radioactive waste repository. “A necessary step – insists the minister – to speed up the process of identifying an area that the country has a strong need for”.

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