Home » Duisburg: First arrests after a spectacular million-dollar coup

Duisburg: First arrests after a spectacular million-dollar coup

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Duisburg: First arrests after a spectacular million-dollar coup

After a spectacular theft of millions in the port of Duisburg, investigators discovered the alleged perpetrators by chance. Two suspects were arrested after a routine truck check, and there were then several searches, the police said on Tuesday. At least part of the loot was confiscated. Nevertheless, the investigation continues. Given the amount of loot, it must be assumed that more people were involved in the crime, said a spokesman.

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When the perpetrators broke into a logistics company a week and a half ago, they made valuable loot by the truckload. 2,000 LED televisions and 16,000 electric toothbrushes were missing, as was a safe weighing 100 kilograms. The police said the value of the loot was around 1.4 million euros.

The two men allegedly involved in the coup were caught by the motorway police last Thursday during a routine check on the A3 on the Lower Rhine. The 39-year-old and the 41-year-old wanted to transport some of the loot towards the Netherlands when the officers checked their truck at the Hünxe-Ost rest area without any special reason. Toothbrushes were loaded, but there was something wrong with the delivery documents.

Ultimately, it turned out that the loaded toothbrushes undoubtedly came from the million-dollar theft at the Duisburg port. The men were arrested at the rest area. The accidental discovery on the highway would then have provided further evidence of apartments and warehouses. During searches there, the investigators came across another part of the loot and seized evidence.

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A judge issued an arrest warrant for the two men, aged 39 and 41, on suspicion of gang theft. The investigators now intensively evaluated the evidence seized. The police did not provide any further information about how much of the loot was still missing or where the warehouses searched were located.

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After a spectacular theft of millions in the port of Duisburg, investigators discovered the alleged perpetrators by chance. Two suspects were arrested after a routine truck check, and there were then several searches, the police said on Tuesday. At least part of the loot was confiscated. Nevertheless, the investigation continues. Given the amount of loot, it must be assumed that more people were involved in the crime, said a spokesman.

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