Home » Anyone who suffers from headaches should pay attention to this: it could be the definitive solution to your discomfort

Anyone who suffers from headaches should pay attention to this: it could be the definitive solution to your discomfort

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Anyone who suffers from headaches should pay attention to this: it could be the definitive solution to your discomfort

Are your frequent headaches caused by what you eat? It’s a possibility you might not have considered. Headaches, migraines, tension, and pain in the temples can all be symptoms of a disorder triggered by food and its components. Certain substances contained in foods can have an unsuspected effect on the body, leading to these discomforts.

If you’ve tried to combat your headaches with rest, anti-inflammatory drugs, or other methods without success, it might be time to examine your diet. Some foods can actually help prevent or relieve headaches, while others can trigger them. For example, whole grains, almonds, flax seeds, coffee, spices, bananas, watermelon, and raw vegetables can help combat headaches. The potassium in bananas is particularly useful in preventing migraines, while the omega-3 in flax seeds fights inflammation and the magnesium in almonds helps loosen muscle contractions.

On the contrary, some foods can trigger headaches. These include packaged foods with glutamate, industrial foods with aspartame, chocolate, cocoa, alcohol, red meat, preserved meats, yogurt, milk, dairy products, matured or fermented cheeses, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and sauerkraut. These allergenic, acidic, or vasodilating foods are best avoided if you are prone to frequent headaches.

Now that you know the list of foods that can help you keep headaches at bay or those that can trigger them, it’s up to you to decide what to eat. If you have any doubts, it’s always best to consult with your doctor. Stay mindful of what you eat – it might just make a difference in how often you experience headaches.

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