Home » These are the mistakes that could be the antechamber of spinal diseases already from this age

These are the mistakes that could be the antechamber of spinal diseases already from this age

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For many the holidays are already over, for others they are running out but the common thought of many parents is the approach of the beginning of the school year. Therefore, the purchase of school material begins, in particular notebooks, books, pencils, paints. But the most important choice, apart from the tastes of their children on the favorite character of the moment, falls on the purchase of the backpack.

Because what matters most is their health. So making sure that the weight of the backpack does not create back problems is of paramount importance.

On the market the choice is now vast, you can find everything and for all budgets. For example, you could opt for a trolley model, or adapt the previous year’s backpack to a trolley. However, in addition to the backpack it is necessary to observe our children carefully and understand if certain postures are a simple attitude or hide back problems. In fact, these are the errors that could be the antechamber of spinal column diseases already from this age. A hunched posture can sometimes confuse teachers and parents, who could interpret what is a real pathology as an attitude of shyness. Wrong positions cause so-called paramorphisms, or transient deformities, which can be easily corrected if diagnosed promptly.

These are the mistakes that could be the antechamber of spinal diseases already from this age

The age of onset of paramorphisms is variable but usually this type of problem occurs in school age. If not corrected in the age of development they could degenerate and cause serious damage to the morphology of the body and the spine. They could even turn into dysmorphisms, or irreversible pathologies, which seriously alter the posture of the adolescent. Among the most common are scoliosis and kyphosis. Therefore, in order to avoid incorrect attitudes which, over time, can lead to serious consequences, it is necessary to immediately educate children to a correct posture.

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It is therefore necessary to observe well the posture and the back, especially in the age of development, when height and weight change quickly. It is also helpful to teach our children to stand up straight, whether sitting or standing. Better to avoid spending time at the desk in a hunched position and make sure that the desk and chair are proportionate to the height of the child.

Educate them to a healthy diet because weight has a great influence on posture. In addition, spending a lot of time in front of tablets or video games can promote poor postures and cause changes in the spine. Just as carrying a backpack on one shoulder or overloading it can cause problems in the long run.

It is therefore essential not to underestimate certain attitudes and change incorrect habits. Finally, checks and preventive specialist visits can diagnose any anomalies early and correct them immediately, avoiding considerable suffering and inconvenience.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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