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The Therapeutic Benefits of Journaling: Combating Stress and Improving Well-Being

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The Therapeutic Benefits of Journaling: Combating Stress and Improving Well-Being

The Power of Journaling: A Tool for Well-Being and Stress Reduction

In today’s fast-paced and stressful world, finding techniques to achieve a feeling of well-being and reduce stress is crucial. One such technique is journaling, a practice that has been proven to combat moments of anxiety and discomfort. According to social communicator and wellness coach, Pilar Pose, journaling is “a ritual of self-knowledge, in which through writing by hand in a notebook, we explore, observe, and record thoughts and emotions of which we are not fully aware. It is a tool to release the content of our head on paper.”

There are various ways to approach journaling, with some people using it as a personal diary to document their daily lives, while others use it to reflect on their thoughts and emotions. For 23-year-old Lourdes, journaling was recommended by her therapist for therapeutic reasons. Initially skeptical, she now finds the practice enjoyable and beneficial. “The world seems less sad when you are grateful,” she says. “If one is not strict and practices journaling often, it is not of much use.”

Research has shown that journaling has several psychological benefits, including the elimination of negative thoughts, improved memory performance, better sleep, a stronger immune system, and a higher IQ. Additionally, it helps individuals get in touch with emotions that are usually not registered.

Different methods of journaling exist, such as the “Bullet Journal” technique created by Austrian designer Ryder Carroll, which focuses on personal improvement and organization. Another study titled “Health professionals and families writing together” implemented an expressive writing technique called “Three-minute mental perception change,” which resulted in a significant decrease in stress levels for all participants.

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According to Pilar Pose, the key to journaling is consistency. She recommends writing for two or three pages for 21 days in a row. “At first, it probably costs a little more, since we tend to judge ourselves or have an expectation about what we write. The objective of these pages is therapeutic, what we are looking for is to ’empty our heads’, not to do a piece of writing,” she explains.

Ultimately, journaling is a powerful tool for well-being and stress reduction, complementing other activities such as meditation, exercise, and yoga. It allows individuals to discover thoughts and emotions that are not usually recorded, offering a significant impact on mental and emotional health.

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