Home » Shandong Port Qingdao Port’s cargo throughput will exceed 700 million tons in 2023, and container throughput will exceed 30 million TEUs

Shandong Port Qingdao Port’s cargo throughput will exceed 700 million tons in 2023, and container throughput will exceed 30 million TEUs

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Shandong Port Qingdao Port’s cargo throughput will exceed 700 million tons in 2023, and container throughput will exceed 30 million TEUs

Qingdao Port Exceeds 700 Million Tons in Cargo Throughput in 2023

According to Securities Times, on December 27, Shandong port Qingdao Port’s cargo throughput exceeded 700 million tons in 2023, and container throughput exceeded 30 million TEUs for the first time, ranking fourth and fifth among global ports respectively, achieving a historic across.

Qingdao Port International Co., Ltd. (601298.SH, 06198.HK) and its subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associated companies are expected to complete cargo throughput of 660 million tons in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 5.8%; container throughput is expected to be 30 million TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 11.9%.

Since the beginning of this year, Qingdao Port has taken multiple measures to improve its operating quality and achieved remarkable results. There were 20 new routes throughout the year, and the total number of routes ranked first among ports in northern China. The sea-rail combined container volume has ranked first in the country for nine consecutive years, and it has ranked first in the business environment evaluation of the top ten maritime container ports for three consecutive years.

In 2023, Qingdao Port will add 2 new terminal berths and 28 oil tanks. The new terminal will have a designed throughput capacity of 700,000 TEUs and an additional oil product storage capacity of 2.6 million cubic meters. The hardware capabilities will be further improved; the construction of smart green ports will be accelerated. The country’s first nationally produced, fully autonomous automated terminal has been built, becoming the country’s first smart and green “double five-star” port, using scientific and technological strength to help improve terminal efficiency.

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Business innovation has become an important guarantee for the continued growth of Qingdao Port. Since the beginning of this year, Qingdao Port has focused on building a “first-class comprehensive supply chain service system relying on the port”, serving the “new three things” industrial chain with multiple logistics models, and making every effort to build a demonstration port in northern China for the “new three things” export; opening the first A high-quality route for European consumer goods; the first bonded ship refueling service at an overseas port in the Philippines; the comprehensive international transit business for commercial vehicles; the first “bonded crude oil blending operation + re-shipment export” business, etc., one after another new businesses and new formats, helping Qingdao Hong Kong has achieved new breakthroughs in response to the complex and ever-changing industry situation. (Qi Hening)

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