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Is there an offline mode now?

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Is there an offline mode now?

The survival shooter failed so badly that its developer had to close down immediately. An independent developer is now working on an offline mode.

Bild: Fntastic

The Day Before is probably the gaming fail of the year: developer Fntastic went bankrupt just a few days after its release on Steam. Steam removed the game from its store, and since then some keys have been available for absurd prices.

Since there are probably one or two poor souls who still want to play the failed shooter, according to the X channel PC_Focus an independent developer named Luci0 made it his mission to make the game available offline. This would give players the chance to immerse themselves in the gaming world again.

In order for this to succeed, the server connection must be redirected to a local connection. This would theoretically allow users to access the game offline. Luci0 himself writes on Twitter that he doesn’t promise anything, but that he and his helpers are doing their best. They want to release updates on a Discord server.

He receives some support for this. Whether as a user you absolutely want to go back into the world of The Day Before want to dive in or just see what the hype was about – there are legitimate reasons. In a way, the game has at least earned its place in gaming history, if not an honorable one.

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