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The “display screen” of the vitality of the contesting country_Zhejiang Online

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The “display screen” of the vitality of the contesting country_Zhejiang Online

Title: The “Display Screen” of the Vitality of the Contesting Countries

Date: 2024-01-05

By: Yu Mingang, Sports News Editor

Looking back on 2023, the Chengdu Universiade, Hangzhou Asian Games, and Hangzhou Asian Para Games have left an indelible mark on the world of sports. The short duration of these events was filled with unforgettable moments, drawing in large crowds of spectators and generating enthusiastic attention on social media platforms. These international sporting events have not only demonstrated the beauty and joy of sports but have also showcased the vibrancy of China.

As we eagerly await the next gathering, the question arises – how do we keep the light of sports shining “all the time” instead of just for a moment? The answer lies in the preparations and future plans for the upcoming events in Chengdu and Hangzhou.

Following the Universiade, Chengdu has actively sought to host various international and domestic events, including the World Games in 2025. Meanwhile, Hangzhou has set four guiding principles for the preparation of the Asian Games, focusing on opening up the competition venues for public benefit.

The impact of these large-scale sports events goes beyond just infrastructure and city image; they also bring about spiritual and cultural empowerment. By hosting the Chengdu Universiade, the Hangzhou Asian Games, and the Asian Para Games, China has successfully enhanced the appeal of its culture and civilization on the global stage.

The Hangzhou Asian Games mascot “Jiangnan Memories” embraces the cultural heritage of China and represents the country’s enterprising spirit. The events have been a platform to showcase Chinese elegance and Asian style to the world, while also contributing to Zhejiang’s position as a trendsetter.

The future of sports in China looks promising, with Hangzhou aiming to host high-level events every year and Chengdu actively applying to host international events. Through sports, China’s cultural heritage and development vitality are being beautifully showcased.

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As the world eagerly looks forward to these upcoming events, the “display screen” of the contesting countries remains vibrant and full of promise.

Editor: Bi Zhen

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