Home » Nak-yeon Lee “We will cooperate with ‘principles and common sense’… 44% of the Democratic Party are ex-convicts” (comprehensive) :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

Nak-yeon Lee “We will cooperate with ‘principles and common sense’… 44% of the Democratic Party are ex-convicts” (comprehensive) :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Nak-yeon Lee “We will cooperate with ‘principles and common sense’… 44% of the Democratic Party are ex-convicts” (comprehensive) :: Sympathetic Media Newsis News Agency ::

“It is natural for people who share the same goal to cooperate.”

“44% of Democratic Party members are ex-convicts, they have lost morality and diversity.”

“When entering politics, we consider benefits and losses rather than beliefs.”

[광주=뉴시스] Reporter Lee Young-joo = Lee Nak-yeon, former leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, is answering questions in front of the Democracy Gate at the National May 18th Democracy Cemetery in Unjeong-dong, Buk-gu, Gwangju on the morning of the 7th. 2024.01.07. [email protected]

[서울=뉴시스]Reporter Kang Joo-hee = Lee Nak-yeon, former leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, who announced his withdrawal from the party and the creation of a new party, announced his intention to cooperate with members of the non-affiliated group ‘Principles and Common Sense’ within the party. She took aim at the Democratic Party, which she said had “lost its morals and diversity,” and that “44 percent of all members of Congress are ex-offenders.”

Former Representative Lee appeared on UBC’s ‘Prime News’ this afternoon and said, “If we want to save the Republic of Korea, we need to break the political structure of the two-party monopoly that is as solid as an iron fortress and create some openings. Such a task is not an easy task.”

He said, “It is natural for people who share the same will to cooperate,” and “First of all, I plan to cooperate with my comrades from the Principles and Common Sense, a group of innovative lawmakers who have worked for reform within the Democratic Party.”

When asked about the background of starting a new party despite dissuasion from within the party, he explained, “The Republic of Korea is falling inside and out,” and “The fundamental cause is the fault of politics, but each camp is preoccupied with survival, which is deepening the national crisis.”

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He added, “If we leave things as they are now, the Republic of Korea may fall and sink,” adding, “To stop this situation, a sound and reasonable third force must come out and play a role in preventing the two parties from running away.”

Regarding the ‘problem of the Democratic Party’ in relation to the withdrawal, he criticized that “diverse voices within the party have been blocked and morality and diversity have been lost.” He also said, “Of the 167 members of the Democratic Party, 68 people are about 44%, and 44% are ex-convicts,” and added, “It is a much higher rate than other parties, but it has never been like this.”

Former Representative Lee said, “The Democratic Party has been through many difficulties, but because the immune system of diversity and democracy within the party was working, it was able to overcome difficulties and find a new path. Now, that is broken and it is a very serious pathological condition.” .

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Go Beom-jun = Lee Won-wook, a member of the Democratic Party of Korea, is speaking at a press conference on ‘Principles and common sense’ and the Democratic Party’s innovation proposal held at the National Assembly Communication Hall in Yeouido, Seoul on the morning of the 14th. From the left, Reps. Kim Jong-min, Cho Eung-cheon, Yoon Young-chan, and Lee Won-wook. 2023.12.14. [email protected]

In response to the point that ‘if you leave the party ahead of next year’s general election, won’t difficulties arise due to a split in the opposition party?’, he countered by saying, “Reconstruction and expansion of the opposition party.”

In addition, he said, “This is not an attempt to encroach on the votes of the Democratic Party, as we are seeking to invite people who do not like both parties, including those who have already left the Democratic Party, into the political process,” and added, “It is rather strengthening and rebuilding the power of the opposition party.”

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Former Representative Lee was also asked, “What do you think the people are asking for regarding the current government situation?” he answered, “I am asking politics to solve the suffering of the people.”

He said, “The simple thing is to ask politicians to be as clean and honest as the national average, not to commit corruption, and not to lie. We can do that, but the sense of guilt has become dull, so even the most serious crimes are crushed. That’s why the people are sick of it.” said.

Former Representative Lee also attended the publication ceremony of former Ulsan City Council member Lee Mi-young, held in the conference room of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Nam-gu, Ulsan, this afternoon and poured out remarks criticizing the monopoly structure of the ruling and opposition parties and the Democratic Party system.

He raised his voice, saying, “When you enter the political arena, it is easy to go back and forth about whether you want to gain or lose rather than your beliefs. More than 90% of the many politicians you know are like that. Aren’t you tired of such politicians?”

Former CEO Lee also said, “It’s not easy to call Nak-yeon Lee somewhere to give a congratulatory speech these days. I’m not saying it’s easy because I’m expensive, but I’m at a point where I’m confused about whether it will be beneficial or not.”

He added, “Compared to before, I have lost a lot of strength, but I still have a sense of what is important and what needs to be done first.” He added, “I would like to help in that matter together with Comrade Lee Mi-young, even as an old aide to Comrade Lee Mi-young.”

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