Home » Live | Cultural cacerolazo in Neuquén and Río Negro against the Omnibus Law and Milei’s DNU

Live | Cultural cacerolazo in Neuquén and Río Negro against the Omnibus Law and Milei’s DNU

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Live |  Cultural cacerolazo in Neuquén and Río Negro against the Omnibus Law and Milei’s DNU

Workers, theater artists, booksellers, communicators, dancers, technicians, producers, the publishing and writing sector and street artists today carry out actions to make visible their rejection of DNU 70/23 signed by Javier Milei and the Omnibus Law projectwhich this week began to be discussed in committee by the Chamber of Deputies.

From the organization of the call they assure that both measures, promoted by the national government, will have a strong impact in the public policies that promote culture.

Specifically, in Chapter 3 “Cultures” (Human Capital) of the project “Law of Bases and Starting Points of the Freedom of Argentines”, several measures that defund and close organizations that are fundamental for cultural development.

In the text of the Omnibus Law project proposes: repeal the laws that created the National Endowment for the Arts, the National Theater Institute; of the uniform retail price of books; defunds the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts, the National School of Cinematographic Experimentation and Production, the National Institute of Music and the National Commission of Popular Libraries.

In Patagonia There are many groups of artists and cultural managers who will join the action, of national scope, to reject the DNU signed by Javier Milei and the Omnibus Law project sent by the Executive Branch to the Congress of the nation that is already being discussed. In fact, they have formed a NorPatagonia Cultural Front to coordinate joint actions.

Cultural cacerolazo in Neuquén

The call in the provincial capital is today at 20 at the monument to San Martin. From the NorPatagonia Cultural Front they are also planning to send an open letter to deputies and senators to demand that they reject the DNU and the Omnibus Law. In one of the last paragraphs they tell them: “we demand that our representatives rise to the occasion.” to stop what may be irreversible for the dignity of the Argentine people.”

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Cultural cacerolazo in Roca

The activity in Roca was called by the city’s Assembly for Art and began around 6:30 p.m., at the intersection of Tucumán and Av. Roca. “No to the Omnibus Law”, “No to the DNU, yes to culture” are two of the slogans they will carry.

Artists, cultural workers, teachers and students, this Wednesday in Roca. Photo: Andrés Maripe.

In addition to artists, the claim also includes teachers, activists of social organizations and political parties, union leaders of the autonomous CTA, La Bancaria and Uocra.

About 80 people, with banners and chants, They are expressed divided into the four corners, in the heart of the center of Roca. “Defunding culture makes us poorer,” reads one of the posters displayed at the demonstration.

Traffic, for the moment, was not cut off, although it is expected that in a few minutes the claim will concentrate on the street, interrupting circulation.

Cultural cacerolazo in Cipolletti

In Cipolletti there will be a “Necessity and Urgency for art” festival. The meeting is today at 7 p.m. in Plaza de la Justicia, located on Roca and M. Muñoz. There will be a milonga from 8pm and an open microphone to spread the word.

Cultural cacerolazo in Bariloche

In the mountain city of Bariloche artists and cultural workers put as a meeting point the Civic Center. The agreed time to make your claim visible is at 7 p.m.

Cultural cacerolazo in Las Grutas

In the spa town of The Grottoes The meeting is in Artisans Fair of the first descent at 9 p.m. “We ignite the fight, to avoid the cultural blackout,” they explain in the call.

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