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threats, gender violence and suicide of his ex-partner

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threats, gender violence and suicide of his ex-partner

The Justice of Lomas de Zamora this afternoon revoked the house arrest of Oscar Junior Benítez y ordered his immediate arrest as accused of having failed to comply with said measure to go out to look for his ex-partner, who had denounced him for gender violence and finally committed suicide on New Year’s Eve, judicial sources reported.

The measure was ordered by the 8th Lomense Correctional Court, headed by Manuel Barreiro, after the request made by the family of the victim, Anabelia Ayala (29)and the prosecutor of the case Marcela Dimundo.

Judicial spokespersons reported that the magistrate issued a letter to the 2nd police station. of Esteban Echeverría so that Benítez is housed in that section, at the same time that he requested that a place be requested in the Departmental Alcaidía for his subsequent transfer.

Earlier, the fiscal Dimundo, who is in charge of the case for the footballer’s alleged threats to his ex-father-in-law and for the violence against him reported by Anabella, hhad requested the arrest of Benítez for having failed to comply with house arrest on at least two occasionsaccording to the testimony of witnesses, on December 29 and 30.

«It must be considered that the claim for revocation is reasonable not only because of Benítez’s failure to comply, when he was at his ex-partner’s house, but also for the beginning of the case (…) where the death of Anabelia Ayala in life is being investigated«said the prosecutor.

The filming that revealed that he did not respect house arrest or the perimeter

The request to revoke the soccer player’s house arrest was also presented by the lawyer for the young woman’s family, Rodrigo Tripolone, after the victim’s father reported that On December 30, Benítez went home to see his daughter aboard a black truckwho was filmed detained in front of the family home.

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Meanwhile, the autopsy operation carried out on the body of The young woman revealed that she died as a result of “asphyxiation due to extrinsic neck compression,” compatible with suicide.

On the other hand, last Tuesday, Juan Carlos Ayala (52), Anabelia’s father, appeared to testify before prosecutor Juan Manuel Baloira, who is carrying out the investigation into the young woman’s death.

In this regard, judicial sources told Télam that the man assured him that The former Boca Juniors player had threatened his daughter with killing her entire familyi did not complete his suicide.

Regarding this, he added that Benítez controlled, through a video call in real time, that the woman took her life.

For this reason, The Ayala family presented to the judicial authorities the tablet that Anabelia used to communicate daily with the soccer player. and a cell phone that the woman hid in her bathroom, which will be assessed in the coming days.

On the other hand, heSpokespeople confirmed that Benítez is accused of four acts of threats against his ex-partner’s family. and that the prosecution stipulated, together with the footballer’s defense, that he be sentenced to four years of effective prison in the framework of an abbreviated trial.

Now, it remains to be known if the judicial appeal is approved by the same Judge Barreiro who today ordered his arrest.

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How was Anabelia’s death?

The death of Anabelia (29) was discovered on the morning of January 1, when her relatives found her without vital signs in her room.

According to what his father told this agency, The young woman had spent the night of December 30 with Benítezon whom weighed a perimeter restriction of 300 meters against him for a series of complaints of threats and gender violence.

In dialogue with Télam, Juan Carlos Ayala revealed that, after the death of his daughter, he received an audio from Benítez’s relatives, in which they indicated that the former Boca player had a video call while Anabelia took her own life.

In said audio, to which Télam had access, the voice of a woman is heard saying: “We don’t get to toast. We didn’t toast because she had an application through which Junior was watching the girl hang herself.

In this regard, Juan Carlos considered that “Benítez was one hundred percent to blame for what happened” and asked that “justice be done” for his death.

The episodes began to occur on January 17, 2021, when, according to the accusation, the defendant threatened his ex-father-in-law with a firearm and set fire to some of his ex-partner’s belongings.

The second event was on January 16, 2021 when “in a context of gender violence” he destroyed the “all files contained in the notebook owned by the Ayala family without authorization to do so.”

Meanwhile, on February 28, 2022, according to the prosecution, Benítez disobeyed the 300-meter approach restriction and threatened his ex-in-laws and his ex-brother-in-law with phrases such as “you reported me, you made me get into trouble, I’m going to kill you.” ».

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Finally, on March 18, 2022, Junior once again violated the perimeter and threatened his ex-girlfriend with a knife to make her open the door to his house, but when she refused, he damaged the four tires of the ex-father-in-law’s car.

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